Nonlinear Optimisation
Winter term 2019/2020
Outline of the lecture
- Introduction
- Unconstrained optimization: optimality conditions, convexity, numerical methods
- Constrained optimization: optimality conditions, convexity, numerical methods
Exam of the lecture
Once the lecture is finished, there will be an individual oral exam for each participant taking roughly 60 minutes.
Exercise: Sheets
Exercise: Rules
Before every exercise you have to mark the exercises that you are able to present on the list posted in front of the office 340.
You have to mark at least 70% of all exercises.
There are additional programming exercises.
You need to hand in at least 70% of the programming exercises by email to philip.trautmann(at)
Every black board presentation and every program is awarded with 0 to 3 points.
At the end of the semester there will be a programming project, which you are allowed to work on in pairs.
The work during the semester makes up 60% of the grade and 40% is made up by the programming project.
There will be no exam.
F. Mannel, last changed 20/02/2020