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Alfio Borzì

Teaching & Supervision

PhD Students

M. Vallejos -- Multilevel optimization

Master Students

P. Ditz -- Monotone schemes for quantum control problems
E. Decker -- Spectral methods for Schrödinger equation


WiSE 07-08.
Höhere Mathematik I, Di. 13.15-14.45, HS 10.11 (621.005) ab 9.10.07,
Höhere Mathematik I, Di. 13.15-14.45, HS 10.11 (646.804) ab 9.10.07

Multigrid Methods, Fr. 10.15-11.45, SR 11.32 (621.810) ab 12.10.06.

VO Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten in der Numerischen Mathematik,(621.141)


Analysis I and II, Complex analysis, Functional analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations,
Programming in C++, Numerical Analysis , Linear Algebra I and II, Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Optimization I and II, Multilevel Optimization with PDE Models, Numerical analysis and modeling.

PhD Schools

Numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations.
Workshop in Applied Mathematics, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City, February, 2005.

Multilevel methods in optimization with PDE models,
PhD School Mathematics for Technology at the University of Catania,
Catania, Italy, Mai 20-26, 2007.

Multilevel methods in optimization with PDE models,
PhD Summer School ‘Optimization and Control with Applications in Modern
Technologies’ at Schloss Thurnau, Germany, July 23-27, 2007.

Multigrid methods for optimal control problems with PDEs
Multilevel methods for parameter identification problems
Thirty-second Conference of the Dutch and Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities
Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, The Netherlands, 3 - 5 October, 2007.

Lecture notes

Lecture notes 'Multilevel methods in optimization with partial differential equations' download.

A very short introduction to multigrid methods download.

Lecture notes from my lecture 'Numerische Mathematik für LAK' written by Das Skriptum Team download.

Lecture notes from my lecture 'Differentialgleichungen für LAK' written by Gerald Groicher download.

For my lecture notes on 'Programming in C++' contact Servicebetrieb OeH-Uni Graz GmbH.

Students' Projects

Theory of Partial Differential Equations

Die Laplace und Poisson Gleichung.

Die Wärmeleitungsgleichung.

Die Transportgleichung.

Die Wellengleichung.

Ordinary Differential Equations (621.025, WiSe 05/06)

Modellierung Physiologische Prozesse
by Gerda Görig, Isabell Piantschitsch, Birgit Spörk.

Numerische Methoden zur Approximation von Lösung gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
by Oliver Ebner, Matthias Puhr, Andreas Reinhart, Matthias Weissenbacher.

Stabilität von Differentialgleichungen
by Thomas Hirschler, Martin Filzmaier, Andreas Philipp, Christoph Unterberger.

home, research, publications,

Research group on Optimal Control and Inverse Problems

last changed: 01-08-2005