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Currently, I am a postdoc at RICAM, where I'm working with {{authors['cs'].fullname}} on modelling and doing the mathematical analysis for cell membrane, in particular for the lamellipodium.
I am also interested in analysis of non linear PDEs, of drift-diffusion type in particular, just like the Keller and Segel model for chemotaxis.
This also leads me to study some related functional inequalities.
PhD thesis
Asymptotic study of non linear diffusion type PDEs and related functional inequalities (pdf)
Supervisor: {{authors['jd'].fullname}}. Writtern within Ceremade, and defended on June 23, 2014.
- Asymptotic behaviour for non linear diffusion
- Mean-field models - Keller-Segel-type systems
- Sharp functional inequalities
- Numerical analysis
Latest publication
{% assign authors = site.data.authors %}
{% assign pub = site.data.submitted.first %}{% include publi_row.html pub=pub authors=authors %}
Visits & conferences
- July 2013, visitor at DIM (Universitad de Chile) – Santiago
- March 2016, Numerical analysis seminar, LMB, Besançon
- April 2015, Kinetic Equations and Spectral Theory workshop, LMB, Besançon
- January 2015, Analysis seminar at Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon
- Decembre 2014, Seminar at the University of Basque Country, Bilbao
- September 2014, PDE seminar at LMB
- June 2014, "Entropy, PDEs and functional inequalities" week, BIRS, Banff (video + slides)
- January 2014, Inégalités de Sobolev et Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev, PhD students meeting – Ceremade (slides, french)
- May 2013, Solutions stationnaires pour deux modèles de mouvement de foule : multiplicité et stabilité dynamique, SMAI 2013 Convention – Seignosse (slides)
- September 2012, Study of two crowd motion and herding models Applieds PDEs for Life Sciences) – Barcelona (pdf, source)
Gaspard Jankowiak
@ gaspard.jankowiak@math.cnrs.fr
✆ +43 (0) 1 427 755 745
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Büro 08.126
WPI - Universität Wien
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz, 1
1090 Wien - Austria
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