Gaspard Jankowiak 4e4406a5a5 smai 2013
2013-05-28 21:01:01 +02:00

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header-title: Gaspard Jankowiak's homepage
header-subtitle: PhD student at Ceremade &middot; Université Paris Dauphine<br> jankowiak@ceremade.dauphine.fr
header-homelink: /en
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<li><a href="#research">Research</a> |</li>
<li><a href="#teaching-in-french">Teaching</a> |</li>
<li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
I am currently finishing my PhD under the supervision of [Jean Dolbeault](http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~dolbeaul)
within the [Ceremade](http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/).
I am looking at analysis of PDEs, of drift-diffusion type in particular, just like the Keller and Segel model for chemotaxis,
as well as their links with some functional inequalities.
# Research
* Study of two crowd motion and herding models, somewhat similar
to the Keller-Segel model.
* Numerical stability analysis for some self-similar solutions of the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel model.
# Publications
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# Conferences
#### Talks
- [SMAI 2013](http://smai.emath.fr/smai2013/index.php) &ndash; Seignosse, May 2013 ([slides](files/research/slides/smai2013-mvt_foule.pdf))
#### Poster
- [Applieds PDEs for Life Sciences](http://www.esf.org/index.php?id=9153) &ndash; Barcelona, September 2012 :
"Study of two crowd motion and herding models" ([pdf](http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~jankowig/files/confs/barcelona2012/poster.pdf),
#### Attended
- [Biomat 2012](http://www.ugr.es/~kinetic/biomat/) &ndash; Grenada, July 2012
- "[PDE Models for Quantum Fluids](http://www.newton.ac.uk/programmes/KIT/kitw03.html)" workshop &ndash; Cambridge, December 2010
# Teaching (in french)
* [Linear algebra (2nd year)](enseignement/algebre)
* [Numerical optimisation (3rd year)](enseignement/optimisation)
# Curriculum vitæ
* [English](/files/cv.pdf)
* [French](/files/cv_fr.pdf)
# Contact
Ceremade &ndash; UMR CNRS 7534 (Office C614)
Université Paris Dauphine
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - France
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Gaspard Jankowiak
+33 (0)1 44 05 41 96 (landline)
+33 (0)6 65 08 54 96 (mobile)