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subtitle: Teaching
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Information for my recent teaching duties is on [the german page](/de).
# Constance
## Summer semester 2023
## PDE III: Regularity Theory, The Theorem of De Giorgi, Nash and Moser
- [ILIAS](https://ilias.uni-konstanz.de/goto_ILIASKONSTANZ_crs_1491669.html)
- Lecture notes: [[pdf]](/s/enseignement/konstanz/SoSe2023/PDE3/PDE3-DeGiorgiNashMoser.pdf) [[sources]](/s/enseignement/konstanz/SoSe2023/PDE3.zip) (compile with XeLaTex or LuaTeX)
- Time: Wednesdays at 15:15, Room D436
## Seminar: Keller-Segel Models: Long-time Behaviour
- [ILIAS](https://ilias.uni-konstanz.de/goto_ILIASKONSTANZ_crs_1559853.html)
- Time: Fridays at 10:00, Room D436
## Past semesters (in German)
<summary markdown="span">Winter semester 2022</summary>
For details, see [the page in german](/de#wintersemester2022)
- Differential geometry III
<summary markdown="span">Summer semester 2022</summary>
For details, see [the page in german](/de#sommersemester2022)
- Geometric analysis seminar (Gage and Hamilton, *The Heat Equation Shrinking Convex Plane Curves*)
- Differential geometry II (exercice classes)
- Functional analysis II (exercise classes)
<summary markdown="span">Winter semester 2021</summary>
For details, see [the page in german](/de#wintersemester2021)
- ODEs with geometric applications (exercise classes)
- Theory of PDEs (exercise classes)
# Paris-Dauphine (in French)
## 2013-2014
### Numerical optimization (exercise classes)
[Webpage](https://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~amic/enseignement/OptiNum2014/) for the practical, managed by Amic Frouvelle.
## 2012-2013
### Linear algebra (exercise classes)
* [Best of partiel 2012](/files/al3/bop-2012.pdf)
### Numerical optimization (exercise classes)
* [Exercise sheet No.1](/files/opt/2013/TD1-2013.pdf): Finite differences, optimization in 1D.
* Solution: [right FD](/files/opt/2013/diff_fin_droite.m) and [centered FD](/files/opt/2013/diff_fin_centre.m)
* Exercise sheet No.2: [sheet](/files/opt/2013/TD2-2013.pdf),
* Practical No.2: [archive](/files/opt/2013/tp2.tar.gz), [sheet](/files/opt/2013/TP2-2013.pdf),
* Practical No.2 bis: [archive](/files/opt/2013/tp2bis.tar.gz), [sheet](/files/opt/2013/TP2bis-2013.pdf): Signal separation
* Exercise sheet No.3: [sheet](/files/opt/2013/TD3-2013.pdf): _Inpainting_
* Practical No.3: [sheet](/files/opt/2013/TP3-2013.pdf), [archive](/files/opt/2013/tp3.tar.gz)
* [Solution](/files/opt/2013/CC1_correction.pdf) to the exam from 6th march 2013
## 2011-2012
### Linear algebra (exercise classes)
* [Sheet No.2 ex. 20](/files/al3/exo20.pdf) Projection on the spaces of scalar and diagonal matrices.
### Numerical optimization (exercise classes)
* [Solution](/files/opt/2012/corrige_cc.pdf) to the exam from 15th march 2012
* [Exercise sheet No.1](/files/opt/2012/td1.pdf): Differential calculus: reminder
* [Exercise sheet No.2](/files/opt/2012/tp22012.pdf): Portfolio optimization
* [Exercise sheet No.3](/files/opt/2012/tp32012.pdf): Denoising
## 2010-2011
### Linear algebra (exercise classes)
* [Extra exercise sheet](/files/al3/al3_supp.pdf) EV products, interpolation, equivalence of norms,
induced norm, matrix-norm, orthogonal polynomials, Fredholm alternative, projectors, least-squares.