Starting December 2023, I am a Professor at the University of Graz .
I am a Co-I on the EPSRC programme grant Combinatorial Representation Theory: Discovering the Interfaces of Algebra with Geometry and Topology, 2022-2027, at the University of Leeds . I spent spring 2024 at MSRI/SLMath for the program Commutative Algebra .
Before coming to Graz, I was at the University of Leeds (Professor 2023-, Marie Curie Fellow 2018-2020, University Academic Fellow 2017-2022). Even before, I was a Post Doc Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and an FWF Erwin-Schroedinger fellow at the University of Toronto, where my mentor was Prof. Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz .
During the spring semester 2015 I was a a post doctoral fellow at the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) for the Program Representation Theory and spring 2013 I spent at the MSRI in Berkeley for the Program Commutative Algebra . I graduated sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae in March 2012 from the University of Vienna .
Research interests
commutative algebra, (noncommutative) algebraic geometry, representation theory, singularity theory, homological algebra, cluster algebras
I am the local Leeds organizer for the Glasgow-Liverpool-Edinburgh-Newcastle (GLEN) algebraic geometry seminar. The main organizer is Johan Martens .
Leeds Algebra Seminar
2017-2022 I was the organizer of the Algebra Seminar at the University of Leeds. The seminar is now organized by Francesca Fedele and Emine Yildirim and the seminar page is here.
2020-2024 I was also an organizer of the
FD seminar: Online seminar on representation theory of finite dimensional algebras together with Gustavo Jasso (Lund), Ryan Kinser (Iowa), Julian Külshammer (Uppsala), Rosanna Laking (Verona), Alexandra Zvonareva (Prague).
In 2023/24 I am teaching Math3071/5071M Groups and Symmetry/Groups and Symmetry and Galois Theory in semester 1.
For previous teaching see here .
Curriculum Vitae
An extensive CV is here .
Publications and Preprints, etc.
are here (with arXiv links).
Conference organization
- Frieze patterns in Algebra, Combinatorics and Representation Theory (Frises en algèbre, combinatoire et géométrie) , May 12-16, 2025, at CIRM, Luminy, France. Organizers: Karin Baur, Michael Cuntz, Eleonore Faber, Pierre-Guy Plamondon.
- Representation theory, Symplectic geometry, and Cluster algebras , March 30-April 4, 2025, at Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, Canada. Organizers: Eleonore Faber, Ryan Kinser, Ralf Schiffler, Melissa Sherman-Bennett.
- Combinatorial representation theory in Leeds. , July 10-14, 2023, at University of Leeds. Organizers: Özgür Esentepe, Eleonore Faber, Francesca Fedele, Alison Parker.
- Resolutions in local algebra and singularity theory , February 5-11, 2023, at Mathematisches Forschungszentrum Oberwolfach, Germany. Organizers: Aldo Conca, Steven Dale Cutkosky, Eleonore Faber, Srikanth Iyengar.
- Representation theory and triangulated categories. Conference in honour of Henning Krause. September 26-30, 2022, at Universität Bielefeld, Germany. Organizers: Dave Benson, Bill Crawley-Boevey, Eleonore Faber, Lutz Hille, Srikanth Iyengar, Janina Letz, Marc Stephan.
- Bridges between representation theory and algebraic geometry: Singularities, friezes, and cluster categories. , May 24-27, 2022, at University of Leeds. Organizers: Karin Baur, Eleonore Faber, Matt Pressland.
- A conference in celebration of the 60th Birthday of Bill Crawley-Boevey. , September 6-10, 2021, online, originally planned to be at University of Manchester, UK. Organizers: Karin Baur, Eleonore Faber, Henning Krause, Mike Prest, Jan Trlifaj, Michael Wemyss, Dan Zacharia.
- Singularities in positive characteristic , July 12-16, 2021, at CIRM (hybrid conference), Luminy, France. Organizers: Angelica Benito, Eleonore Faber, Bernd Schober, Bernard Teissier.
- RRAGE: Ragnar's Ramifications in Algebra and Geometry Emerging (A conference to celebrate the work of Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz), July 8-12, 2019 at the Fields Institute, Toronto. Organizers: Eleonore Faber, Marco Gualtieri, Colin Ingalls.
- WINART2-Women In Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory May 20-24, 2019, at University of Leeds. Organizers: Karin Baur, Georgia Benkart, Eleonore Faber, Ellen Kirkman, Chelsea Walton.
- Interactions between Commutative Algebra, Representation Theory, and Algebraic Geometry: a conference in memoriam Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz March 19-23, 2019, at Universität Münster, Germany. Organizers: Eleonore Faber, Lutz Hille, Jörg Schürmann.
- Special session "Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry" at CSASC2018 September 11-14, 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia. Organizers: Alberto Fernando Boix, Eleonore Faber.
- Workshop "Geometric algebra: bridges between commutative algebra, noncommutative geometry and representation theory" July 6-10, 2015 at the Fields Institute, Toronto. Organizers: Jason Bell, Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, Eleonore Faber, Colin Ingalls. Videos from the talks can be viewed here .
Other stuff
Free divisor gallery
ADE surface gallery
Snapshot from Oberwolfach (with R.-O. Buchweitz): Swallowtail on the shore
Contact information