Current Grants

FWF DOC 183 Discrete Mathematics in Teams Michael Kerber (speaker), Laura Cossu, Alfred Geroldinger, and colleagues from TU Graz 1.10.2024 – 30.9.2028
FWF PAT 9756623 A Broad Theory of Factorization: From Matrices to Ideals Laura Cossu and Andreas Reinhart 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026
FWF P 36742 Modules, Monoids, and Factorizations Alfred Geroldinger and Daniel Smertnig 1.6.2023 – 31.5.2027
FWF P 36852 Combinatorial Factorization Theory Alfred Geroldinger 1.10.2023 – 30.9.2026
FWF P 34854 Dimer algebras on surfaces and nonnoetherian geometry Charlie Beil 17.1.2022 – 16.1.2026

Concluded Grants (since 2011)

FWF W 1230 Doctoral Program DK Discrete Mathematics Wolfgang Woess (speaker), Alfred Geroldinger (deputy speaker), Jörg Thuswaldner (deputy speaker), and others. 1.5.2010 – 30.6.2024
FWF P 33499 Arithmetic of Rings and of their Ideals and Modules Alfred Geroldinger 1.4.2020 – 30.9.2023
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA_IF-EF-ST) N. 101021791 Factorization Theory in Matrix Rings Laura Cossu (Host: Alfred Geroldinger) 2.8.2021 – 1.8.2023
FWF M 2633 Lise-Meitner-Fellowship Grassmannian Cluster Categories and Braid Groups Jianrong Li (Host: Karin Baur/Günter Lettl) 6.6.2019 – 26.8.2021
FWF P 30549 Dimer algebras on surfaces Karin Baur 6.9.2017 – 1.8.2021
OeAD Ernst Mach grant - worldwide Factorization Theory in Matrix Rings Laura Cossu (Host: Alfred Geroldinger) 1.9.2020 – 31.5.2021
FWF J 4023 Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship Ideal factorization in commutative rings and monoids Andreas Reinhart 1.10.2019 – 30.9.2020
FWF J 4079 Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship Non-unique factorizations in noncommutative rings Daniel Smertnig 1.10.2019 – 30.4.2020
FWF P 29807 Grassmannian Cluster Algebras and Quantum Groups Dusko Bogdanic 6.12.2016 – 30.11.2019
FWF P 28864 Sets of Lengths in Krull monoids Alfred Geroldinger 7.3.2016 – 6.7.2019
FWF M 1900 Lise-Meitner-Fellowship Direct-Sum Decomposition of Modules and Zero-Sum Theory Salvatore Tringali (Host: Alfred Geroldinger) 1.3.2016 – 28.2.2018
Stiftung Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, Wissenschafts- und Erziehungskooperation Nr. 91öu3 Familien von Diophantischen Gleichungen Günter Lettl 1.9.2015 – 31.8.2016
FWF P 27050 Fractals and Words: Topological, Dynamical, and Combinatorial Aspects Ligia-Loreta Cristea 26.5.2015 – 25.5.2020
FWF M 1641 Lise-Meitner-Fellowship Additive Combinatorics and Arithmetic of Krull Monoids Qinghai Zhong (Host: Alfred Geroldinger) 7.3.2014 – 6.3.2016
FWF P 26036 Non-Unique Factorizations, Ideal Theory, and Additive Theory Alfred Geroldinger 10.10.2013 – 9.10.2017
FWF P 25647 Symmetric groups and geometric representation theory Karin Baur 1.5.2013 – 30.4.2016
FWF P 25141 Surface Algebras Karin Baur 23.11.2012 – 22.3.2016
OeAD Amadée 2012-13 FR 03/2012 ÖAD: Wissenschaftlich-Technisches Abkommen mit Frankreich Alfred Geroldinger 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2013
Technologie-Stipendium Südostasien (Doktorat), ASEA UNINET OeAD Arithmetic in Algebraic Number Fields Günter Lettl 1.3.2011 – 30.6.2014
FWF P 21576 Non-Unique Factorizations, Addition Theorems and Zero-Sum Theory Alfred Geroldinger 1.7.2010 – 30.9.2013