Conference on Rings and Factorizations
February 19th to 23rd, 2018 in Graz
The conference starts Monday morning and ends on Friday. There will be plenary talks by a number of invited speakers. Moreover, there will be several contributed talks (20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion).
You can download the conference booklet of the scientific program. The schedule is also available for download.
Plenary Speakers
- Ánh, Pḥam Ng̣oc: An axiomatic divisibility theory for commutative rings
- Finocchiaro, Carmelo Antonio: The Smyth powerdomain of a spectral space
- Grynkiewicz, David J.: Finiteness of the Elasticities $\rho_k(G_0)$ Inside a Lattice
- Houston, Evan: Counting semistar operations on Prüfer domains
- Park, Mi Hee (NAWI Graz lecture): Root extension in polynomial and power series rings
- Příhoda, Pavel: Monoids of pure projective modules
- Reyes, Manuel: Progress with the Prime Ideal Principle
- Salce, Luigi: Almost perfect commutative rings
- Smertnig, Daniel: Non-unique factorizations in bounded hereditary noetherian prime rings
Contributed Talks
- Abbasi, Adnan: Commutativity theorems in rings with involutions
- Afanaseva, Sofia: Arithmetic of $\mathcal {O}_0$-modules in the case of small ramification
- Al-Maktry, Amr Ali Abdulkader: Polynomial functions of the ring of dual numbers modulo $m$
- Angermüller, Gerhard: Roots in extensions of domains
- Antoniou, Austin: Especially short sequences with full sumset
- Badawi, Ayman: On weakly $(m,n)$-closed ideals and $(m,n)$-von Neumann regular rings
- Baginski, Paul: Nonunique factorization in the ring of integer-valued polynomials
- Bani-Ata, Mashhour: On stabilizers of Tits subspaces of $E_6(K)$ for fields $K$ of characteristic two
- Barucci, Valentina: Dilatations of numerical semigroups
- Beil, Charlie: Nonnoetherian coordinate rings and their noncommutative resolutions
- Cahen, Paul-Jean: Pointwise minimal extensions
- Campanini, Federico: On an additive category whose objects have type at most four
- Chabert, Jean-Luc: From Pólya fields to Pólya groups
- Chang, Gyu Whan: UMT-domain property of graded integral domains
- Chere, Nega: The lattice of topologizing filters of rings of continuous functions
- Cîmpean, Andrada: Weakly nil-clean index and uniquely weakly nil-clean rings
- Cossu, Laura: Products of idempotent matrices over Prüfer domains
- Cziszter, Kálmán: New results on the Noether number of finite groups
- D'Anna, Marco: Value semigroups and good semigroups
- Domokos, Mátyás: On the nilpotency index of nil algebras
- Dumitrescu, Tiberiu: Ideal factorization in integral domains
- Facchini, Alberto: Factorizations of ideals in noncommutative rings similar to factorizations of ideals in commutative Dedekind domains
- Fan, Yushuang (NAWI Graz lecture): Unions of sets of lengths
- Garcia Elsener, Ana: Cluster algebras: Factoriality and class groups
- Gotti, Felix: On the sets of lengths of Puiseux monoids
- Guerrieri, Lorenzo: Directed unions of local quadratic and monoidal transforms and GCD domains
- Gupta, Ashish: Quantum polynomial rings
- Gupta, Ashok Ji: A note on direct injective modules
- Hamed, Ahmed: On the class group of formal power series rings
- Hasenauer, Richard Erwin: Factorization in Prüfer domains
- Herbera, Dolors: Monoids of countably generated pure-projective modules
- Jaballah, Ali: From overrings of Prüfer domains to rings in non-integrally closed ring extensions
- Kim, Hwankoo: The finitistic weak dimension of a pseudo-valuation domain is at most one
- Kreso, Dijana: Polynomial decomposition and linearly recurrent sequences of polynomials
- Li, Yuanlin: On $*$-clean non-commutative group rings
- Llena, David: Delta sets on affine semigroups
- Loper, Alan K.: Ideal theory of integer-valued polynomials in several variables
- Lucas, Tom: Valuative Marot Rings
- Majidinya, Ali: The Sum-Essential Left Ideal Graph of Rings
- Malik, Tusif Ahmed: Radical factorization in rings with zero-divisors
- Mukhtar, Muzammil: Commutative rings with two-absorbing factorizations (TAF-rings)
- Nakato, Sarah: Non-unique factorizations in rings of integer-valued polynomials on certain Dedekind domains
- Olayiwola, Abdulhakeem: Counting distinct fuzzy subgroups of dihedral groups $D_{2p^{s}q}$
- Ortiz-Albino, Reyes Matiel: A type of generalized factorizations
- Ouzzaouit, Omar: On Hilbert and Goldman Rings Issued from Amalgamated Algebras
- Patel, Manoj Kumar: Fully-invariant Semi-Injective Modules
- Pirzada, Shariefuddin: On the metric dimension of a zero-divisor graph associated with a commutative ring
- Pop, Flaviu: Cosilting Modules
- Rani, Anam: Perinormal rings with zero-divisors
- ur Rehman, Sharif: A class of pinched domains with finitely many overrings
- Reinhart, Andreas: Radical factorization in ideal systems of monoids
- Ribas, Sávio: On extremal product-one free sequences and weighted Davenport constants
- Rissner, Roswitha: $J$-ideals of matrices over PIDs
- Roitman, Moshe: On strongly primary monoids and domains
- Sadiq, Afshan: Algorithm for primary submodule decomposition without producing intermediate redundant components
- Schmid, Wolfgang A.: “Every” set is a set of lengths of a numerical monoid
- Schrempf, Konrad: A Factorization Theory for some Free Fields
- Spirito, Dario: Jaffard families and extension of star operations
- Tartarone, Francesca: Integer-valued polynomial over quaternion algebras
- Vishne, Uzi: Decomposition over a division algebra and Ramanujan complexes
- Vostokov, Sergey & Nekrasov, Ilia: Formal modules in constructible class field theory
- Wiegand, Roger: Betti tables over short Gorenstein algebras
- Wiegand, Sylvia: Prime ideals in rings of power series and polynomials
- Zahid, Raza: On the sandpile group of a subdivision of wheels