Arriving by plane

The closest airport is Graz Thalerhof. From the airport, you can take the train line S5 to the main railway station or a bus to Jakominiplatz (the central hub for public transport in Graz).

You can also take a train or bus from Vienna International Airport to Graz.

Public transport in Graz

Graz has an efficient public transport system based on buses and trams. Perhaps the easiest way to purchase a ticket is to use one of the machines within the trams or at some of the bigger stations (in particular, at the main railway station and Jakominiplatz). Moreover, Hotel Stoiser will keep some week tickets ready for you, so that you can buy them directly at the reception desk of the hotel. You can also purchase tickets at a Trafik (kiosk). Hour and day tickets can also be purchased from a bus driver (but not week tickets!).

We recommend that you buy a week ticket. It costs €14.20 and covers all of Graz (zone 101), including the airport, for 7 days.

You can check the connections with BusBahnBim-Auskunft (German). You can also download full schedules for all lines.

For your convenience, we summarize the information for some routes.

From Hotel Stoiser to the conference venue

To go from Hotel Stoiser to the math department, where the conference takes place, take tram line 1 from Teichhof to Mariagrün. There, change to bus line 58 and take it to Mozartgasse.

From Jakominiplatz (city center) to Hotel Stoiser

Take tram line 1 from Jakominiplatz to Teichhof.