MATH3195 Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry and MATH5195M Advanced Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry
Semester 2 2018/19

The modules will be co-taught: MATH3195 runs weeks 14-21, MATH5195M runs weeks 14-24.

Lecture Meeting times: 14:00-16:00 Mon @ Roger Stevens LT12 (10M.12),
13:00-14:00 Thu @ Roger Stevens LT04 (8.04) (weeks 14-21) and @ Baines Wing Miall LT (2.34) (weeks 22-24),
12:00-13:00 Fri @ Roger Stevens LT04 (8.04).
Instructor: Eleonore Faber
Office: Math 8.05
Office hours: by appointment

Course information for M3195 can be found HERE.
Course information for M5195M can be found HERE.

The complete Lecture notes are here: Lecture notes, chapters 1-18 . Chapters 1-16 are the complete lecture notes for Math3195.

Some practice exercises for the final exam can be found on the Minerva page of the course (in learning resources).

Revision session: Friday May 10, 13:00-14:00 @ Roger Stevens LT11.

Homework Problem sets will be posted below:

Homework 1 (due noon February 8)
Homework 2 (due noon February 22)
Homework 3 (due noon March 8)
Homework 4 (due noon March 22)
Homework 5 (due noon May 3)