Author name in publications: In earlier publications before 2014, my name was stated as Tang Quoc Bao (in full) and T.Q. Bao (for citation). This is due to my vietnamese name (Tang - surname, Quoc - middle name, Bao - given name). Recently, I have switched to Bao Quoc Tang (in full) and B.Q. Tang or B. Tang (for citation)
Bao Q. Tang. On the Large Time Behaviour of Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Convergence to Equilibrium and Random Attractors. PHD Thesis, University of Graz, 2015 View
Juan Yang, Bao Q. Tang. Volume-surface systems with sub-quadratic intermediate sum on the surface: Global existence and boundedness. arXiv
Thi Lien Nguyen, Bao Q. Tang. Stability analysis of irreversible chemical reaction-diffusion systems with boundary equilibria. arXiv
Andrea Bondesan, Bao Q. Tang. Explicit spectral gap estimates for the linearized Boltzmann operator modeling reactive gaseous mixtures. arXiv
Jeff Morgan, Cinzia Soresina, Bao Quoc Tang, Bao-Ngoc Tran. Singular limit and convergence rate via projection method in a model for plant-growth dynamics with autotoxicity
. arXiv
Jeff Morgan, Bao Q. Tang, Hong-Ming Yin. Existence, Stability and Optimal Drug Dosage for a Reaction-Diffusion System Arising in a Cancer Treatment. arXiv
Laurent Desvillettes, Kim Dang Phung, Bao Q. Tang. On the equilibriation of chemical reaction-diffusion systems with degenerate reactions. arXiv
- Diogo Caetano, Charles M. Elliott, Bao Q. Tang. Bulk-surface systems on evolving domains.arXiv
- M. H. Duong, T. H. Dang-Ha, Bao Q. Tang, H. M. Tran. Generalized potential games.
- Juan Yang, Anna Kostianko, Chunyou Sun, Bao Q. Tang, Sergey Zelik. Non-concentration phenomenon reaction-diffusion systems with mass dissipation. Mathematische Nachrichten Published arXiv
- Cinzia Soresina, Bao Q. Tang, Bao-Ngoc Tran. Fast-reaction limits for predator--prey reaction--diffusion systems: improved convergence. AMS Contemporary Mathematics: Topics in Multiple Time Scale Dynamics Published arXiv
- Bao Q. Tang, Bao-Ngoc Tran. Rigorous derivation of Michaelis-Menten kinetics in the presence of diffusion. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2024) 56, No. 5 Published arXiv
Juan Yang, Jeff Morgan, Bao Q. Tang. On quasi-linear reaction diffusion systems arising from compartmental SEIR models. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (2024) 31, No. 98 Published arXiv
Hong Hai Ly, Bao Q. Tang. Stabilization by Multiplicative Ito Noise for Chafee-Infante Equation in Perforated Domains. Applied Mathematics Letters (2024) 150, 108944 Published arXiv
Malcolm Egan, Bao Q. Tang. Macroscopic limit for stochastic chemical reactions involving diffusion and spatial heterogeneity. Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2024) 176, 104433 Published arXiv
- Chunyou Sun, Bao Q. Tang, Juan Yang. Analysis of mass controlled reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinearities having critical growth rates. Journal of Evolution Equations (2023) 23:44 Published arXiv
K. Fellner, J. Fischer, M. Kniely, Bao Q. Tang. Global renormalised solutions and equilibration of reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinear diffusion. Journal of Nonlinear Science. (2023) 33:66 Published arXiv
J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang. Global well-posedness for volume-surface reaction-diffusion systems. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. (2023) 25:04 Published arXiv
J. Elias, H. Izuhara, M. Mimura, Bao Q. Tang. An aggregation model of cockroaches with fast-or-slow motion dichotomy. Journal of Mathematical Biology. (2022) 85:28 Published arXiv
Laurent Desvillettes, Valeria Giunta, Jeff Morgan, Bao Quoc Tang.Global well-posedness and nonlinear stability of a chemotaxis system modeling multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 152 (4) 826-856 (2022) Published
Bayram C. Akdeniz, M. Egan, Bao Q. Tang. Stochastic Reaction and Diffusion Systems in Molecular Communications: Recent Results and Open Problems. Digital Signal Processing 124 (2022) 103117 (Special Issue: Signal Processing Aspects of Molecular Communication) Published
- M. Braukhoff, A. Einav, Bao Q. Tang. Quantitative dynamics of irreversible enzyme reaction-diffusion systems. Nonlinearity 35(4) 1876-1926 (2022). Published arXiv
- W.-E Fitzgibbon, J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang, H.-M. Yin. Reaction-diffusion-advection systems with discontinuous diffusion and mass control. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 53(6) 6771 - 6803 (2021) Published arXiv
- Bayram C. Akdeniz, M. Egan, Bao Q. Tang. Equilibrium Signaling in Spatially Inhomogeneous Diffusion and External Forces. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications 7(2) (2021) 106 - 110 (Special Section - Advances in Molecular Communication) Published Preprint
- Bayram C. Akdeniz, M. Egan, Bao Q. Tang. Equilibrium Signaling: Molecular Communication Robust to Geometry Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (2) (2021) 752 - 765 Published Preprint
- D. Lan, D.T. Son, Bao Q. Tang, L.T. Thuy. Quasilinear parabolic equations with first order terms and L^1-data in moving domains. Nonlinear Analysis TMA 206, May 2021, 112233 Published arXiv
- Brian P. Cupps, Jeff Morgan, Bao Q. Tang, Uniform boundedness for reaction-diffusion systems with mass dissipation. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 53(1) (2021) 323 - 350 Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang, Uniform-in-time bounds for quadratic reaction-diffusion systems with mass dissipation in higher dimensions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 14(2) (2021) 635-651 Published arXiv
- M. Braukhoff, Bao Q. Tang. Global solutions for chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with Robin boundary conditions. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol 268 (12) (2020) 10630 - 10669 Published arXiv
- A. Einav, J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang. Indirect diffusion effect in degenerate reaction-diffusion systems. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 52 (5) (2020) 4314-4361 Published arXiv
- K. Pieper, Bao Q. Tang, P. Trautmann, D. Walter, Inverse point source location with the Helmholtz equation on a bounded domain. Computational Optimization and Applications. 77 (2020) 213-249 Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, E. Latos, Bao Q. Tang, Global regularity and convergence to equilibrium of reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinear diffusion. Journal of Evolution Equations. 20 (2020) 957-1003 Published arXiv
- Quoc-Hung Nguyen, Phuoc-Tai Nguyen, Bao Q. Tang, Energy conservation for inhomogeneous incompressible and compressible Euler equations. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol 269, number 9 (2020) 7171-7210 Published arXiv
- J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang. Boundedness for reaction-diffusion systems with Lyapunov functions and intermediate sum conditions. Nonlinearity. Vol. 33, number 7 (2020) 3105-3133 Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, J. Morgan, Bao Q. Tang, Global classical solutions to quadratic systems with mass control in arbitrary dimensions. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire. vol. 37, number 2 (2020) 281-307. Published arXiv
- E.S. Daus, A. Jüngel, Bao Q. Tang, Exponential time decay of solutions to reaction-cross-diffusion systems of Maxwell-Stefan type. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 235 (2020) 1059-1104. Published arXiv
- M. Egan, Bao Q. Tang, Bayram C. Akdeniz, On the Input-Output relationship for molecular communications in general first-order chemical reaction-diffusion systems. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, NANOCOM 2019 21:1-21:6 Published Preprint
- Quoc-Hung Nguyen, Phuoc-Tai Nguyen, Bao Q. Tang, Energy equalities for compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Nonlinearity. 32 (2019) 4206-4231. Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, S. Sonner, Bao Q. Tang, D.D. Thuan, Stabilisation by noise on the boundary for a Chafee-Infante equation with dynamical boundary conditions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 2019, 24(8): 4055-4078. Published arXiv
- Esther S. Daus, Bao Q. Tang, Trend to equilibrium of renormalized solutions to reaction-cross-diffusion systems. Applied Mathematics Letters. 88 (2019) 81-89. Published arXiv
- Bao Q. Tang, Close-to-equilibrium regularity for reaction-diffusion systems. Journal of Evolution Equations. 18.2 (2018) 845-869. Published arXiv
- H. Egger, K. Fellner, J.-F. Pietschmann, Bao Q. Tang, Analysis and numerical solution of coupled volume-surface reaction-diffusion systems with application to cell biology. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 336 (2018) 351-367. Published arXiv
- Bao Q. Tang, Global classical solutions to reaction-diffusion systems in one and two dimensions. Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 16.2 (2018) 411-423. Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, Bao Q. Tang, Convergence to equilibrium of renormalised solutions to nonlinear chemical reaction-diffusion systems. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 69.3 (2018) (30 pages) Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, E. Latos, B.Q. Tang, Well-posedness and exponential equilibration of a volume-surface reaction-diffusion system with nonlinear boundary coupling. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire. 35.3 (2018) 643-673 Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, Bao Q. Tang, Entropy methods and convergence to equilibrium for volume-surface reaction-diffusion systems, PSPDE 2015: From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations pp 153-176. Published arXiv
- L. Desvillettes, K. Fellner, Bao Q. Tang, Trend to equilibrium for reaction-diffusion systems arising from complex balanced chemical reaction networks, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 49 (2017), pp. 2666-2709. Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, Bao Q. Tang, Explicit exponential convergence to equilibrium for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems with detailed balance condition, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA. 159 (2017) pp. 145 - 180 (Special issue: Advances in reaction-cross-diffusion systems. Editors: L. Chen, A. Jüngel, L. Desvillettes). Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, W. Prager and Bao Q. Tang, The entropy method for reaction-diffusion systems without detailed balance: first order chemical reaction networks, Kinetic and Related Models. 10 (4) (2017) pp. 1055 - 1087 Published arXiv
- K. Fellner, S. Rosenberger, Bao Q. Tang, Quasi-steady-state approximation and numerical simulation for a volume-surface reaction-diffusion system, Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 14 (6), pp. 1553-1580, 2016. Published arXiv
- F. Henneke and Bao Q. Tang, Fast reaction limit of a volume-surface reaction-diffusion system towards a heat equation with dynamical boundary conditions, Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 325-339, 2016. Published
- Bao Q. Tang, Regularity of random attractors for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations on unbounded domains, Stoch. Dyn. 16.1 (2016) 29 pages. Published
- Bao Q. Tang, Regularity of pullback random attractors for stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo system on unbounded domains, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Systs. Ser. A 35 (2015) pp. 441 - 466. Published
- Bao Q. Tang, Dynamics of stochastic three-dimensional Navier-Stokes-Voigt equations on unbounded domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 419 (2014), pp. 583-605. Published
- C.T. Anh, T.Q. Bao and L.T. Thuy, Regularity and fractal dimension of pullback attractors for a non-autonomous semilinear degenerate parabolic equation, Glasgow Math. J., Vol. 55 (2013), pp. 431-448. Published
- T. Q. Bao, Existence and upper semi-continuity of uniform attractors for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations on R^n, Electron J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2012 (2012), No. 203, pp. 1-18. Published
- C.T. Anh, T.Q. Bao and N.V. Thanh, Regularity of random attractors for stochastic semilinear degenerate parabolic equations, Electron J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2012 (2012), No. 207, pp. 1-22. Published
- C.T. Anh and T.Q. Bao, Pullback attractors for generalized Korteweg-de Vries - Burgers equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., (2012), 388, pp. 899 - 912. Published
- C.T. Anh and T.Q. Bao, Dynamics of non-autonomous nonclassical diffusion equations on R^n, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., (2012), 11, pp. 1231-1252. Published
- C.T. Anh and T.Q. Bao, Pullback attractors for non-autonomous parabolic equations involving weighted p-Laplacian operators, Ann. Polon. Math. (2011), 101, pp 1-19. Published
- C.T. Anh and T.Q. Bao, Pullback attractors for a class of non-autonomous nonclassical diffusion equations, Nonlinear Anal. (2010) 73, pp 399-412. Published
- C.T. Anh and T.Q. Bao, Pullback attractors for a non-autonomous semilinear degenerate parabolic equation, Glasgow Math. J., (2010), 52: pp 537-554 Published