Vorlesung: Discrete and algebraic structures 

MAT.402, Winter semester 2015/2016 


TU Graz, Lecture room BE01, Steyrergasse 30 

M. Kang: October 5 - November 10: Mondays and Tuesdays 8:00-9:45 

K. Baur: November 23 - January 25: Mondays and Tuesdays 8:15-9:45 

Material for 1st class 

Lecture notes for Chapter 1: Chapter 1 

Lecture notes for Chapter 3 and 4, complete: part II

Written exams 

The first exam is on February 1, 2016, 4pm, HS G (NT03128), Kopernikusgasse 24, 3rd floor. 

The exam dates for SS 2016 are 

April 15, 15:15-16:45 (HS B, Kopernikusgasse 24), 

May 20, 15:15-16:45 (HS G, Kopernikusgasse 24), 

June 10, 15:15-16:45 (HS BE 01, Steyrergasse 30). 

Exam set-up 

1 page of hand-written notes, on both sides, is allowed. 

The exam will have 2 problems on discrete mathematics, 2 on algebraic structures (10 + 10 for the two parts of the course). 

Total number of points: 20.

Exercises sessions 

Note that there are exercise sessions in parallel to this course, these are MAT.403_1 and MAT.403_2