Functions | Variables
ascii_write_mesh.m File Reference

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function ascii_write_mesh (xc, ia, e, basename) % % Saves the 2D triangular mesh in the minimal way(only coordinates
 dlmwrite (fname, nnode, 'delimiter','\t', 'precision', 16) % number of nodes dlmwrite(fname
ia(1:3,: int32 ()
 dlmwrite (fname, tmp(:),'-append', 'delimiter','\t', 'precision', 16) % connectivity in Matlab indexing dlmwrite(fname
 tmp (:,:).'
e, 2 size ()
 dlmwrite (fname, nbedges,'-append', 'delimiter','\t', 'precision', 16) % number boundary edges tmp


function vertex connectivity
function vertex minimal boundary edge info in an ASCII file Matlab indexing is stored(starts with 1). % % The output file format is compatible with Mesh_2d_3_matlab nnode = int32(size(xc,2))
 ndim = int32(size(xc,1))
 nelem = int32(size(ia,2))
 nvert_e = int32(3)

Function Documentation

◆ ascii_write_mesh()

function ascii_write_mesh ( xc  ,
ia  ,
e  ,

◆ dlmwrite() [1/3]

dlmwrite ( fname  ,
nbedges  ,
'-append'  ,
'delimiter'  ,
'\t ,
'precision'  ,

◆ dlmwrite() [2/3]

dlmwrite ( fname  ,
nnode  ,
'delimiter'  ,
'\t ,
'precision'  ,

◆ dlmwrite() [3/3]

dlmwrite ( fname  ,
tmp(:)  ,
'-append'  ,
'delimiter'  ,
'\t ,
'precision'  ,

◆ int32()

ia(1:3,: int32 ( )

◆ size()

e,2 size ( )

◆ tmp()

tmp ( ,

Variable Documentation

◆ connectivity

function vertex connectivity

Definition at line 3 of file ascii_write_mesh.m.

◆ ndim

ndim = int32(size(xc,1))

Definition at line 24 of file ascii_write_mesh.m.

◆ nelem

nelem = int32(size(ia,2))

Definition at line 25 of file ascii_write_mesh.m.

◆ nnode

function vertex minimal boundary edge info in an ASCII file Matlab indexing is stored (starts with 1). % % The output file format is compatible with Mesh_2d_3_matlab nnode = int32(size(xc,2))

Definition at line 23 of file ascii_write_mesh.m.

◆ nvert_e

nvert_e = int32(3)

Definition at line 26 of file ascii_write_mesh.m.