F2F Meeting MontBlanc3 Graz, April 11-12, 2018 







Social program



Registration and Accomodation

Please register at the MB3-sharepoint for meals and duration of stay in Graz until Feb 28, 2018.

We strongly recommend to take the accomodation at the place of the meeting, in the Bildungshaus Mariatrost (map). All 30 rooms are equipped with shower and Wi-Fi. 

Price for single room with full board: approx. 60 EUR per day to be paid at the Bildungshaus.

Booking: Please send an email to Melanie Moser (melanie.moser@uni-graz.at) until Feb 28, 2018 containing

  • date and approx. time of arrival
  • date and approx. time of departure
  • special meal requests
Mrs. Moser will organize the booking at the Bildungshaus and she will send you the booking confirmation and additional information.

If you prefer a hotel in the city center then please book on your own (it take 45 minutes to commute).

We suggest the following hotels in the city (special prices for university, ask melanie.moser@uni-graz.at):

Closer to Bildungshaus: