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2024-03-15 13:08:33 +01:00
module PLUV
import SpecialFunctions: erf
############### POPC/POPG 95/5 mol/mol LUVs ###############
############### Reconstitution buffer: TRIS 20 mM, EDTA 2 mM ###############
############### Buffer used for PLUV exp. in DESY in 2017: ###############
const parameter_names = [
:norm, :nv, :rm, :z, :n_tr, :d_tr, :s_tr, :d_chol, :s_chol, :d_pcn, :s_pcn, :d_cg, :s_cg,
:a_l, :s_d_c, :s_ch2, :d_ch, :s_ch, :s_ch3, :r_pcn, :r_cg, :r12, :r32, :t, :v_bw, :con
############### GLOBAL VARIABLES ###############
# POPG molar ratio
const CONST_x_PG = 0.05
# ############## POPC and POPG ###############
# 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine
# 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol
# number of chain groups
const CONST_n_CH = 2
const CONST_n_CH2 = 28
const CONST_n_CH3 = 2
#X-ray scattering length chain groups (nm)
const CONST_b_CH = 1.97256E-05
const CONST_b_CH2 = 2.25435E-05
const CONST_b_CH3 = 2.53615E-05
### POPC
# Lipid-head volume
const CONST_V_HL_PC = 0.331 # 0.320
# X-ray scattering length of head groups (nm)
const CONST_b_PC = 2.73340E-04
const CONST_b_CG = 1.88802E-04
const CONST_b_PCN = 1.97256E-04
const CONST_b_Chol = 7.60844E-05
# Lipid-volume temperature-dependencies a0 + a1*T (nm^3)
const CONST_a0_V_POPC = 1.22810311835285
const CONST_a1_V_POPC = 0.000934915795086395
### POPG
# Lipid-head volume
const CONST_V_HL_PG = 0.289
# X-ray Scattering length of head groups (nm)
const CONST_b_PG = 2.47979E-04
const CONST_b_PG1 = 1.32443E-04
const CONST_b_PG2 = 1.15536E-04
# Lipid-volume temperature-dependencies a0 + a1*T (nm^3)
const CONST_a0_V_POPG = 1.17881068602663
const CONST_a1_V_POPG = 0.00108364914520327
############### Other variables ###############
### Water
# V_PW = 24.5e-3 #(nm^3) Perkins 2001 (Hydration shell in proteins)
# polynome coefficient for T-dependency of bulk-water-molecule volume (V_HW)
# Units in degree Celsius
const CONST_p0_VW = 0.0299218
const CONST_p1_VW = -2.25941e-06
const CONST_p2_VW = 2.5675e-07
const CONST_p3_VW = -1.69661e-09
const CONST_p4_VW = 6.52029e-12
# polynome coefficient for T-dependency of bulk-water molar concentration (Cw)
#Units in degree Celsius
const CONST_p0_Cw = 55.5052
const CONST_p1_Cw = 0.00131894
const CONST_p2_Cw = -0.000334396
const CONST_p3_Cw = 9.10861e-07
const CONST_b_HW = 2.8179E-05
const CONST_d_shl = 0.31 # (nm) Perkins 2001 (Hydration shell in proteins)
# Composition of the Reconstitution buffer (M)
const CONST_ctris = 0.02
const CONST_cEDTA = 0.002
### Extra molecules
# TRIS buffer
const CONST_b_tris = 1.860E-04
const CONST_V_tris = 0.15147 # (nm^3)
const CONST_b_EDTA = 4.340E-04
const CONST_V_EDTA = 0.56430 # (nm^3)
function PDF_normal(x, mu, sig)
return exp(-(x - mu)^2 / (2 * sig^2)) / (sig * sqrt(2 * pi))
function PDF_lognormal(x, mu_x, sig_x)
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
mu = log(mu_x^2 / sqrt(mu_x^2 + sig_x^2))
sig = sqrt(log(1 + sig_x^2 / mu_x^2))
return exp(-(log(x) - mu)^2 / (2 * sig^2)) / (x * sig * sqrt(2 * pi))
function lipid_volume(T)
return (1 - CONST_x_PG) * (CONST_a0_V_POPC + T * CONST_a1_V_POPC) + CONST_x_PG * (CONST_a0_V_POPG + T * CONST_a1_V_POPG)
function water_volume(T)
return CONST_p0_VW + CONST_p1_VW * T + CONST_p2_VW * T^2 + CONST_p3_VW * T^3 + CONST_p4_VW * T^4
function FTreal_erf(q, mu, d, sig)
""" FTreal_erf(q, mu, d, sig) """
return sin(q * d / 2.0) / (q * d / 2.0) * exp(-(q * sig)^2 / 2.0) * cos(q * mu)
function FTreal_gauss(q, mu, sig)
""" FTreal_gauss(q, mu, sig) """
return exp(-(q * sig)^2 / 2.0) * cos(q * mu)
function Slab(x, mu, L, sig)
return 0.5 * (erf((x - (mu - L / 2.0)) / (sqrt(2) * sig)) - erf((x - (mu + L / 2)) / (sqrt(2) * sig)))
function Gauss(x, V, mu, sig, A_L)
return V * PDF_normal(x, mu, sig) / A_L
#################################### j0^2 MOMENTS (SCHULZ PDF) #########################################
#################################### (checked!) #########################################
function mu4(q, Z, a)
return a^2 * (Z + 2) * (Z + 1) * (1 - (1 + 4 * q^2 * a^2)^(-(Z + 3) / 2.0) * cos((Z + 3) * atan(2 * q * a))) / (2 * q^2)
################################ SYMMETRIC VESICLE FOR X-RAY SLDs #########################################
######################################## SDP MODELLING #########################################
#################################### SEPARATED FORM FACTOR #########################################
######### Symmetric POPC bilayer ########################
######### liposomes and proteoliposomes #################
function intensity(P::NamedTuple, q)
return intensity(Float64[P...], q)
function intensity(P::AbstractArray{Float64}, q)
Norm, nv, Rm, Z, n_TR, d_TR, s_TR, d_Chol, s_Chol, d_PCN, s_PCN, d_CG, s_CG,
A_L, s_D_C, s_CH2, d_CH, s_CH, s_CH3, r_PCN, r_CG, r12, r32, T, V_BW, Con = P
# [Example 1], fixed parameters
# Norm 1e5 # Normalization
# n_TR 0.0 # Tris fraction
# d_TR 1.0 # Tris width (nm)
# s_TR 0.29 # Tris position (nm)
# d_CH 0.90 # CH position (nm)
# s_CH 0.305 # CH width (nm)
# r12 0.81 # V_CH/V_CH2
# T 37 # Temperature (°C)
# [example 1] fixed
Cw = CONST_p0_Cw + CONST_p1_Cw * T + CONST_p2_Cw * T^2 + CONST_p3_Cw * T^3
xtris = CONST_ctris / Cw # mole fraction of free TRIS in bulk
xEDTA = CONST_cEDTA / Cw # mole fraction of free EDTA in bulk
# Volumes
# [example 1] fixed
V_L = lipid_volume(T)
V_HW = water_volume(T)
# Calculation of mean D_C
D_C = V_HC / A_L
# Quasi-molecular volumes
# [example 1] r12 fixed
V_CH2 = V_HC / (CONST_n_CH2 + CONST_n_CH * r12 + CONST_n_CH3 * r32) # Volume of CH2 groups
V_CH = V_CH2 * r12 # Volume of CH groups
V_CH3 = V_CH2 * r32 # Volume of CH3 groups
V_CG = CONST_V_HL_PC * r_CG # Volume of CG group
V_PCN = CONST_V_HL_PC * r_PCN # Volume of PCN group
V_Chol = CONST_V_HL_PC * (1 - r_PCN - r_CG) # Volume of CholCH3 group
CONST_V_PG1 = CONST_V_HL_PG * 0.16 # Kucerka 2012
CONST_V_PG2 = CONST_V_HL_PG * (1 - 0.51 - 0.16) # Kucerka 2012
############### X-ray scattering lengths (nm)
# [example 1] rho_sol fixed
rho_sol = (CONST_b_HW + xtris * CONST_b_tris + xEDTA * CONST_b_EDTA) / V_HW
drho_Chol = ((1 - CONST_x_PG) * CONST_b_Chol / V_Chol + CONST_x_PG * CONST_b_PG2 / CONST_V_PG2) - rho_sol
drho_PCN = ((1 - CONST_x_PG) * CONST_b_PCN / V_PCN + CONST_x_PG * CONST_b_PG1 / CONST_V_PG1) - rho_sol
drho_CG = CONST_b_CG / V_CG - rho_sol
drho_TR = CONST_b_tris / CONST_V_tris - rho_sol
drho_CH = CONST_b_CH / V_CH - rho_sol
drho_CH2 = CONST_b_CH2 / V_CH2 - rho_sol
drho_CH3 = CONST_b_CH3 / V_CH3 - rho_sol
drho_HW = CONST_b_HW / V_BW - rho_sol
############### D_C polydispersity
# Number of integration points
N = 201
# Parameter dependent integration bounds
# HC_min, HC_max = D_C-3*s_D_C, D_C+3*s_D_C
# Hardcoded integration bounds for POPC, fixed T = 37, A_L in [0.598, 0.719]
HC_min, HC_max = V_HC / 0.719 - 0.5, V_HC / 0.589 + 0.5
# Minimum and maximum samples (offset by 1/2 of the integration step w.r.t integration bounds for the midpoint rule)
integration_step = (HC_max - HC_min) / N
HC_first, HC_last = HC_min + 0.5 * integration_step, HC_max - 0.5 * integration_step
HC_array = range(HC_first, HC_last, length=N)
Normal = PDF_normal.(HC_array, D_C, s_D_C)
############### c-prefactors
c_Chol = ((1 - CONST_x_PG) * V_Chol + CONST_x_PG * CONST_V_PG2) / A_L
c_PCN = ((1 - CONST_x_PG) * V_PCN + CONST_x_PG * CONST_V_PG1) / A_L
c_CG = V_CG / A_L
c_TR = CONST_V_tris * n_TR / A_L
c_CH = V_CH * CONST_n_CH / V_HC * HC_array
c_CH3 = V_CH3 * CONST_n_CH3 / V_HC * HC_array
d_comp = d_CG + d_PCN + d_Chol + CONST_d_shl
############### calculating scattering amplitude -----------------------------------------------
Am = zeros(size(q, 1), N)
for i in 1:N
# Adding hydrocarbon-chain envelope
Am[:, i] += 2 * drho_CH2 * HC_array[i] * FTreal_erf.(q, 0, 2 * HC_array[i], s_CH2)
# Adding CH and CH3 groups
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_CH - drho_CH2) * c_CH[i] * FTreal_gauss.(q, d_CH, s_CH)
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_CH3 - drho_CH2) * c_CH3[i] * FTreal_gauss.(q, 0, s_CH3)
# Adding hydration-water envelope
Am[:, i] += 4 * drho_HW * d_comp * FTreal_erf.(q, (HC_array[i] + d_comp / 2.0), d_comp, s_CH2)
# Adding CG, PCN and CholCH3 groups
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_TR - drho_HW) * c_TR * FTreal_gauss.(q, (HC_array[i] + d_TR / 2.0), s_TR)
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_CG - drho_HW) * c_CG * FTreal_gauss.(q, (HC_array[i] + d_CG / 2.0), s_CG)
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_PCN - drho_HW) * c_PCN * FTreal_gauss.(q, (HC_array[i] + d_CG + d_PCN / 2.0), s_PCN)
Am[:, i] += 2 * (drho_Chol - drho_HW) * c_Chol * FTreal_gauss.(q, (HC_array[i] + d_CG + d_PCN + d_Chol / 2.0), s_Chol)
############### Ensemble average
# multiply each columns of Am by Normal and sum along the columns,
# then multiply by integration step
I = vec(sum(Am .^ 2 .* Normal'; dims=2)) * integration_step
alp = Rm / (Z + 1)
2024-05-15 15:27:01 +02:00
neg_H20 = negative_water(P)
return @. ((Norm * nv * 1e-6) * I * (16 * pi^2 * mu4(q, Z, alp)) + Con * (0.99 * (1.0 / (1 + exp(-8 * (q - 1.0)))) + 0.01), neg_H20)
2024-03-15 13:08:33 +01:00
function negative_water(P::NamedTuple)
return negative_water([P...])
function negative_water(P::AbstractArray{Float64})
_, _, _, _, n_TR, d_TR, s_TR, d_Chol, s_Chol, d_PCN, s_PCN, d_CG, s_CG,
A_L, _, s_CH2, _, _, _, r_PCN, r_CG, _, _, T, _, _ = P
# Volumes
V_L = lipid_volume(T)
# Calculation of mean D_C
D_C = V_HC / A_L
# Quasi-molecular volumes
V_CG = CONST_V_HL_PC * r_CG # Volume of CG group
V_PCN = CONST_V_HL_PC * r_PCN # Volume of PCN group
V_Chol = CONST_V_HL_PC * (1 - r_PCN - r_CG) # Volume of CholCH3 group
z_array = range(0.0, 4.0, length=81)
CG = Gauss.(z_array, V_CG, D_C + d_CG / 2.0, s_CG, A_L)
PCN = Gauss.(z_array, V_PCN, D_C + d_CG + d_PCN / 2.0, s_PCN, A_L)
Chol = Gauss.(z_array, V_Chol, D_C + d_CG + d_PCN + d_Chol / 2.0, s_Chol, A_L)
TRIS = Gauss.(z_array, n_TR * CONST_V_tris, D_C + d_TR / 2.0, s_TR, A_L)
BW = Slab.(z_array, D_C + (d_CG + d_PCN + d_Chol + CONST_d_shl) / 2.0, d_CG + d_PCN + d_Chol + CONST_d_shl, s_CH2) - CG - PCN - Chol - TRIS
2024-05-15 15:27:01 +02:00
# return the number of points where BW < -1e-3
return count(<(-1e-3), BW)
2024-03-15 13:08:33 +01:00
end # module PLUV
# vim ts=4,sts=4,sw=4