Remarks on Rhythmical Canons Publications, to be read  Error-Correcting Linear Codes (Classification by Isometry and Applications) Enumeration of the Semilinear Isometry Classes of Linear Codes

Enumeration of the Semilinear Isometry Classes of Linear Codes

ALCOMA'05, Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications, Designs and Codes, Thurnau, Germany, April 3-10, 2005, Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften 74, (2005), 100 - 122. ISSN 0172-1062

Abstract: In joint papers with A. Kerber we showed how to enumerate the linear isometry classes of linear codes by certain substitutions into cycle index polynomials of the action of projective linear groups on projective spaces. In the present paper it is described how to generalize this approach to the enumeration of the semilinear isometry classes. Moreover, we motivate that with respect to error correcting properties semilinear isometry is the natural equivalence relation on the set of all linear codes.

harald.fripertinger "at", October 3, 2024

Remarks on Rhythmical Canons Publications, to be read  Error-Correcting Linear Codes (Classification by Isometry and Applications) Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR Enumeration of the Semilinear Isometry Classes of Linear Codes Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!