The formal translation equation and formal cocycle equations for iteration groups of type I Publications, to be read The formal translation equation for iteration groups of type II On a functional equation involving group actions

On a functional equation involving group actions

Aequationes mathematicae 77, 25-32, 2009.

Abstract: During the forty-first ISFE in Noszvaj, Hungary, G. Guzik posed a problem on a functional equation involving group actions which arose in a generalization of Bargman theory occurring in Quantum Mechanics. (Cf. 18. Problem and Remark in "Report of Meeting", Aequationes Mathematicae, Vol. 67 (2004) 312-313.)

Let (G, ⋅) be a group which is acting on a set X and let (K, +) be an abelian group. Describe all functions f: G × G × X→ K satisfying

f(g1, g2, x)+f(g1g2, g3, x)=f(g2, g3, g1-1x)+f(g1, g2g3, x)..
for all g1, g2, g3∈ G and x∈ X.

This problem was solved in a particular case by B. Ebanks. (Cf. 19. Remark in "Report of Meeting", Aequationes Mathematicae, Vol. 67 (2004) p. 313.) We present the general solution of this problem.

harald.fripertinger "at", October 3, 2024

The formal translation equation and formal cocycle equations for iteration groups of type I Publications, to be read The formal translation equation for iteration groups of type II Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR On a functional equation involving group actions Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!