My interests lie in the interface between mathematical and life sciences. I am interested in modelling, for example, chemical reactions, protein networks, lipolysis, ecological problems, population dynamics.
Email: jan.elias3 (at) gmail (dot) com
Last update on Oct. 17, 2021
[12] with C. K. Macnamara, Mathematical modelling of p53 signalling during DNA damage response: A survey, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22(19) (2021), 10590. (preprint, article)
[11] with V. A. Kovtunenko, E. Bauer, P. Krejčí, G. A. Monteiro and L. Straková-Siváková, Cyclic behavior of simple models in hypoplasticity and plasticity with nonlinear kinematic hardening, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. - Math. Phys. 14(6) (2021), pp 1-12. (preprint)
[10] with D. Hilhorst, M. Mimura and Y. Morita, Singular limit for a reaction-diffusion-ODE system in a neolithic transition model, JDE 295 (2021), pp. 39-69. (preprint, article)
[9] with M. Mimura and R. Mori, Asymptotic behavior of solutions of Aoki-Shida-Shigesada model in bounded domains, DCDS-B 26(4) (2021), pp. 1917-1930, doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2020082. (preprint, article)
[8] with D. Hilhorst and M. Mimura, Large time behaviour of the solution of a nonlinear diffusion problem in anthropology, J. Math. Study 51 (2018), pp. 309-336. (preprint, article)
[7] with M.H. Kabir and M. Mimura, On the well-posedness of a dispersal model for farmers and hunter-gatherers in the Neolithic transition, M3AS 28(2) (2018), pp. 195-222. (preprint, article)
[6] Trend to equilibrium for a reaction-diffusion system modelling reversible enzyme reaction, Bull. Math. Biol. 80 (2017), pp. 104-129, doi: 10.1007/s11538-017-0364-4. (arxiv, preprint, article)
[5] Positive effect of Mdm2 on p53 expression explains excitability of p53 in response to DNA damage, J. Theor. Biol. 418 (2017), pp. 94-104. (preprint, article)
[4] with J. Clairambault, Diverse spatio-temporal dynamical patterns of p53 and cell fate decisions, AIP Conf. Proc. 1738, 320005 (2016). (preprint, article)
[3] with L. Dimitrio, J. Clairambault and R. Natalini, Dynamics of p53 in single cells: physiologically based ODE and reaction-diffusion PDE models, Phys. Biol. 11 (2014) 045001. (preprint, article)
[2] with J. Clairambault, Reaction-diffusion systems for spatio-temporal intracellular protein networks: a beginner's guide with two examples, CSBJ 10(16) (2014), pp. 12-22. (preprint, article)
[1] with L. Dimitrio, J. Clairambault and R. Natalini, The p53 protein and its molecular network: modelling a missing link between DNA damage and cell fate, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1844(1) (2014), pp. 232-247. (preprint, article)
[0] Modélisation mathématique du rôle et de la dynamique temporelle de la protéine p53 après dommages à l'ADN induits par les médicaments anticancéreux (EN: Mathematical model of the role and temporal dynamics of protein p53 after drug-induced DNA damage), defended publicly on Sep 1st, 2015. (Thesis)
[-1] with J. Zítko, Approximate polynomial GCD. In: Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16, pp. 63-68. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2013. (article)
[-2] with J. Zítko, Calculation of the greatest common divisor of perturbed polynomials. In: Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16, pp. 215-222. Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 2013. (article)
[-3] with J. Zítko, Application of the rank revealing algorithm for the calculation of the GCD. In: SNA'12 Seminar on Numerical Analysis, pp. 175-180. Technická Univerzita v Liberci, Liberec, 2012.
[16-22/02/2020] Invited research stay at the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), Meiji University; host: Masayasu Mimura.
[01-15/09/2019] Invited research stay at the KAIST, Korea; host: Yong-Jung Kim.
[11-15/02/2019] Invited research stay at the LMO, University of Paris Sud; host: Danielle Hilhorst.
[09-23/07/2018] Invited research stay at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Ryukoku University; host: Yoshihisa Morita.
[04-08/06/2018] Invited research stay at the LMO, University of Paris Sud; host: Danielle Hilhorst.
[20-24/11/2017] Invited research stay at the LMO, University of Paris Sud; host: Danielle Hilhorst.
[04-11/02/2017] Invited research stay at the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS), Meiji University; host: Masayasu Mimura.
[06-08/05/2015] Invited research stay at the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, host: Klemens Fellner .
[17-18/03/2015] Research stay at the Station Biologique Roscoff; host: Catherine Boyen.
[22/09/2021] Talk at the SFB retreat, SFB Lipid Hydrolysis, Stainz, Austria.
[12/07/2021] Seminar talk at the StAMBio seminar, University of St Andrews, Scotland.
[23/04/2021] Seminar talk at the Gottfried Schatz Research Center Seminar, Medical University of Graz, Austria.
[23/03/2021] Seminar talk at the Applied Analysis Seminar, IMSC, University of Graz, Austria.
[25/02/2020] Talk at Workshop on Mathematics of Complex Systems in Biology and Medicine, CIRM, Luminy, France.
[20/02/2020] Seminar talk at MIMS, Meiji University, Japan.
[09/09/2019] Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Korea.
[08/07/2019] Talk at the SFB Retreat in Seeboden, Austria.
[19/02/2019] Talk at the 90th GAMM Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
[13/07/2018] Seminar talk at the 72th Kyoto Ekimae Seminar, Ryukoku University, Japan.
[06/07/2018] Talk at the AIMS conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
[07/06/2018] Seminar talk at the LMO, Equipe ANEDP, University of Orsay.
[28/07/2017] Talk at the 14th Equadiff conference (minisymposium of professor Y. Morita), Bratislava, Slovakia.
[20/07/2017] Talk at Workshop on Reaction-diffusion Systems in the Life Sciences, LMO, Orsay, France.
[27/06/2017] Talk at the 37th SFBT conference, University of Poitiers, France.
[23/03/2017] Talk at the workshop on reaction-diffusion equations and theirs applications to biology, LMAH, Le Havre Normandie University.
[16/02/2017] Seminar talk at LMA, University of Poitiers.
[09/02/2017] Seminar talk at MIMS, Meiji University, Japan.
[09/01/2017] Seminar talk at LMO, University of Orsay.
[06/10/2016] Talk at Journée de rentrée - Equipe ANEDP, Orsay, France.
[18-23/09/2016] Poster at the GDRI ReaDiNet conference on Reaction-Diffusion Systems in Mathematics and Biomedicine in Fréjus, Côte d'Azur, France.
[12/07/2016] Talk at the ECMTB conference in Nottingham, UK.
[03/07/2016] Talk at the AIMS conference in Orlando, FL, USA.
[17/12/2015] Talk at the GDRI ReaDiNet workshop on Reaction-Diffusion Systems Arising in Biology, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.
[27/09/2015] Talk at the ICNAAM conference (special session no. 70 organised by Jean Clairambault), Rhodes, Greece.
[21/09/2015] Small presentation at The Mamba Day, LJLL UPMC, Paris, France.
[01/09/2015] Ph.D defending talk at LJLL, UPMC, France. The jury members: Jean Clairambault (INRIA), Benoît Perthame (UPMC), Marek Kimmel (Rice University), Jack Tuszyński (University of Alberta), Robin Fåhraeus (INSERM, Université Paris 7), Mark Chaplain (University of St. Andrews), Marie Doumic (INRIA) and Luis Almeida (CNRS).
[07/05/2015] Talk at Workshop on Emerging Mathematical Topics in Biology and Life Sciences, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
[14/04/2015] Student seminar talk at LJLL, UPMC, France.
[20/03/2015] Talk at Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Biology, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
[17/03/2015] Small presentation given at the Station Biologique Roscoff, Roscoff, France.
[04/03/2015] Poster at Workshop on mathematical methods and modeling of biophysical phenomena in Cabo Frio - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[11/07/2014] Talk at the AIMS conference in Madrid, Spain.
[16/06/2014] Joint talk with Dr. Jean Clairambault, MD, at the ECMTB conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.
[04/02/2014] Student seminar talk at LJLL, UPMC.
[27/01/2014] Talk at Workshop Modèles et Méthodes Mathématiques en Dynamique Cellulaire, Marrakesh, Marocco.
[19/10/2013] Small presentation at The BANG Day, LJLL UPMC, Paris, France.
[09/08/2013] Poster at the q-Bio Conference in Santa Fe, NM, USA.
[29/07/2013] Talk at the q-Bio Summer School, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
[17/09/2012] MSc defending talk within the Final State Exam at the Department of Numerical and Computational Mathematics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
[05/06/2012] Poster at the conference PANM 16, Dolní Maxov, Czech Republic.
[10/05/2012] Seminar talk at the Department of Numerical and Computational Mathematics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
[21/03/2012] Seminar talk at the Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic.
[24/01/2012] Joint talk with Prof. Jan Zítko at the winter school Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Liberec, Czech Republic.
[06/05/2010] Second term project presentation at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
[01/12/2009] First term project presentation at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
SS 20/21, Practice Session for Analysis 2 for Teachers in Training, exercise class for the main course of professor B. Thaller, website
SS 20/21, Practice Session for Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry, exercise class for the main course of professor D. Smertnig, website
WS 20/21, Practice Session for Linear Algebra 1, exercise class (two groups) for the main course of professor W. Prager, website
SS 19/20, Practice Session for Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry, exercise class (two groups) for the main course of professor B. Thaller, website
WS 19/20, Practice Session for Linear Algebra 1, exercise class (two groups) for the main course of professor W. Woess, website (Additional exercises: systems of equations, Additional exercises: vector spaces, linear (in)dependence, Additional exercises: linear maps and bases of the VS
SS 18/19, Practice Session for Analysis 2 for Teachers in Training, exercise class for the main course of professor G. Lettl
WS 18/19, Practice Session for Analysis 1, exercise class for the main course of professor R. Tichy
WS 18/19, Practice Session for Linear Algebra, exercise class for the main course of professor M. Holler
SS 17/18, Partial differential equations and dynamical systems, exercise class for the main course of professor K. Fellner
WS 17/18, Advanced Functional Analysis, exercise class for the main course of professor G. Propst (Problem Sheet 1, Problem Sheet 2, Problem Sheet 3, Problem Sheet 4)
WS 16/17, Mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant, exercise/support class for the main course for master (M2) students at the University of Paris-Sud, responsibility: Prof. Christophe Giraud
WS 15/16, Mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant, exercise/support class for the main course for master (M2) students at the University of Paris-Sud, responsibility: Prof. Christophe Giraud