Search the database of D12 × D12-orbits of tone rows

This is the main part of the database. It is possible to search for or to retrieve information on If different search criteria are entered it is important to choose whether they should be connected with AND or OR.

By using radio-buttons the alphabet is chosen for representing the tone rows. There are some additional display options: If "Graphical" is chosen, then for each D12 × D12-orbit of tone rows the chromatic circular representation is shown. In this situation at most 100 search results are displayed on a single page. If "Normal" is chosen, then the chromatic circular representation is not shown, but up to 6000 search results can be displayed. If "Simple" is chosen, then the information on a single tone row is contained in a single line. This is the fastest display option. Again it is possible to display at most 6000 search entries. Each line in the output is separated by | in 14 columns. The first column contains the number of the orbit from {1,…,836 017}, the second column the normal form of the tone row represented over the alphabet A3, the third column the trope structure, the fourth column the number of different trope numbers, the fifth column the stabilizer type given by a number from {1,…,17}, the sixth column the interval structure represented over the alphabet A3, the seventh column the number of different intervals, the eighth column the diameter distance structure, the ninth column the number of different diameter distances, the next three columns indicate whether the orbit is invariant under the quart circle, the five step, or the parameter exchange (where 0 means "no" and 1 means "yes" in the corresponding column). Finally, the last but one column indicates whether the row is a derived row or not. If it is derived, then it indicates the lengths of the subsequences from which it can be derived, otherwise it shows 0. The last column contains the number of the chord diagram from the set {1,…, 554}.

Using the "Normal" or "Graphical" display option for each search result it will be possible to open pop-up windows showing

If there are more search results than could be displayed (more than 100 or 6000 respectively), then it is possible to continue the search pressing a button at the end of the page with the search results. .

It is also possible to pass all the search results to other parts of the database:

Database on tone rows and tropes
harald.fripertinger "at"
January 2, 2019