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Stability Theory
Lin.-Quad. Control
Delay Equations
Dialysis Process

© Copyright Franz Kappel, 2001
Web design by Alexei Kuntsevich

Selected Publications

Keyword(s): optimization

P. Bachhiesl, H. Hutten, F. Kappel, and H. Scharfetter. Optimale Prozeßkontrolle der Dialysetherapie. Biomedizinische Technik, 42, Ergänzungsband 2:7–8, 1997.

P. Bachhiesl, H. Hutten, F. Kappel, and H. Scharfetter. Optimierungsverfahren zur Prozeßkontrolle bei der Dialyse. In 42. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Vol. 2, pages 79–84, 1997. ISSN 0943-7207.

P. Bachhiesl, H. Hutten, F. Kappel, and H. Scharfetter. Ein Ansatz zur Optimierung der Prozeßsteuerung bei der Hämodialyse. Automatisierungstechnik, 47:38–48, 1999.

F. Kappel and A. V. Kuntsevich. An implementation of Shor's r-algorithm. Computational Optimization and Applications, 15:193–205, 2000.
Here we introduce a new implementation of well-known Shor's r-algorithm with space dilations along the difference of two successive (sub)gradients for minimization of a nonlinear (non-smooth) function [Sh85]. The modifications made to Shor's algorithm are heuristicand concern the termination criterion and the line search strategy. A large number of test runs indicate that this implementation is to some degree robust, efficient and accurate. We hope that this implementation of Shor's r-algorithm will prove to be useful for solving a wide class of non-smooth optimization problems.

P. Bachhiesl, M. Hintermüller, H. Hutten, F. Kappel, and H. Scharfetter. Efficient computation of optimal controls for the exchange processes during the dialysis therapy. Computational Optimization and Applications, 18:161–174, 2001.