Copyright Franz Kappel, 2001
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Lectures: - Symposium
on Differential-Delay and
Functional Equations: Control and Stability, 26. 6. - 7. 7.
1972, Warwick, England.
- Equa-Diff 73:
International Conference
on Nonlinear Differential Equations, 3. 9. - 8. 9. 1973,
Brussels and Lovain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- International
Symposium on Dynamical
Systems, 12. 8 - 16. 8. 1974, Providence, R.I., USA.
- Symposium on Control Theory and
Differential Equations, 3. 9. - 7. 9. 1974, Los
Angeles, USA.
- Summer School on
Differential Equations, 5. 7. - 15. 7. 1976,
Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Optimization
Days, 5. 5. -
6. 5. 1977, Montreal, Canada.
- Short
Conference on Functional
Differential Equations, 19. 5. - 20. 5. 1977, Providence,
R.I., USA.
- Equadiff 4: Czechoslowakian
on Differential Equations and their Applications, 23. 8. -
26. 8. 1977, Prague, CSSR.
- 8th IFIP
Conference on Optimization
Techniques, 5. 9. - 9. 9. 1977, Würzburg, Germany.
- Equadiff 78, 24. 5. - 30. 5.
1978, Florence, Italy.
- International
"Functional-Differential Systems and Related Topics", 19. 5.
- 26. 5. 1979, Blazejewko, Poland.
- Annual
Seminar of the Canadian
Mathematical Society, 23. 7. - 10. 8. 1979, Toronto, Canada.
- Colloquium on Qualitative Theory of
Differential Equations, 27. 8. - 31. 8. 1979, Szeged, Hungary.
- Differential Equation Conference,
31. 3. - 4. 4. 1980, Dundee, Scottland.
- International
Conference on Nonlinear
Phenomena in Mathematical Sciences, 16. 6. - 20. 6. 1980,
Arlington, Texas, USA.
- 12o Seminario
Brasileiro de Analise,
17. 10. - 18. 10. 1980, Sao Jose dos Campos (Sao Paulo), Brazil.
- Autumn Course on Variational Methods
in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 20. 10. - 11. 12. 1981,
Miramare - Trieste, Italy.
- Equadiff 82,
23. 8. - 28. 8.
1982, Würzburg, Germany.
- Workshop
on Differential Equations and
Control Theory, 6. 10. - 10. 9. 1982, Iasi, Romania.
- Autumn Course on Mathematical Ecology,
16. 11. - 10. 12. 1982, Miramare - Trieste, Italy.
- 3rd
International Conference on
Functional-Differential Systems and Related Topics, 22. 5. -
29. 5. 1983, Blazejewko, Poland.
- 4th
International Symposium on
Differential Equations and Differential Geometry, 29. 8. - 9.
9. 1983, Peking, PR China.
- Integro-Differential
Equations and Applications, 2. 9. - 8. 9. 1984, Trento, Italy.
- International Conference on Functional
Differential and Differential Equations, 3. 6. - 7. 6. 1985,
Fuzhou, PR China.
- Workshop on Parabolic
Equations and
Semigroups, 2. 3. - 6. 3. 1987, Scuola Normale Superiore,
Pisa, Italy.
- International Conference on
Theory and
Application of Differential Equations, 21. 3. - 25. 3. 1988,
Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- 27th IEEE
Conference on Decision and
Control, 7. 12. - 9. 12. 1988, Austin, Texas, USA.
- SIAM Conference on Control in the
90's: Achievements, Oportunities and Challenges, 17. 5. - 19.
5. 1989, San Francisco, California, USA.
(WG 7.2)-IIASA Conference on
Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter
Systems, 24. 7. -28. 7. 1989, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
- 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Tampa, Florida, 13. - 15. 12. 1989
- International
Conference on
Differential Equations and Applications to Biology and Population
Dynamics, Claremont, Ca., 10. - 13. 1. 1990.
Conference on Control Theory
of Distributed Parameter Systems and Applications, Shanghei,
PR China, 6. - 9. 5. 1990
- 2nd Conference
on Computation and
Control, Bozeman, Montana, 1. - 7. 8. 1990
- International
Symposium on Functional
Differential Equations and Related Topics, Kyoto, Japan, 30.
8. - 2. 9. 1990
- All-Union Scientific
Conference on
Identification of Dynamical Systems and Inverse Problems,
Suzdal, USSR, 10. - 14. 9. 1990
- Conference
Internationale sur les
Equationes Differentielles, Marrakech, Morocco, 11. - 14. 9.
- Control and Identification of
Differential Equations, AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference,
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., USA, 11. - 17. 7. 1992
- Io Convegno Nazionale sulle Equazioni
Differenziali Ordinarie e Applicazioni, SISSA, Miramare,
Trieste, 15. - 18. 9. 1992
Mediterranean Symposium on New
Directions in Control Theory and Applications, Crete Chandris
Hotel, Maleme, Crete, Greece, 21. - 23. 6. 1993
Workshop on Modelling of
Environmental Dynamics, Sopron, Hungary, 30. 8. - 2. 9. 1993
- International Conference on
Differential Equations and Applications to Biology and to Industry,
Claremont, California, 1. - 4. 6. 1994
- 4th
International Conference on
Evolution Equations and Semigroups, Scuola Normale Superiore,
Pisa, 26. 9. - 1. 10. 1994
- International
Workshop on Nonlinear
Dynamics, Fractality and Selforganization of Complex Systems,
Würzburg, 1. - 3. 10. 1994
- Workshop
on Multivariate Variational
Calculus and Control Problems for PDEs, St. Petersburg, 3. -
13. 5. 1995
- 2nd Marrakesh International
on Differential Equations, Marrakesh, 16. - 20. 6. 1995
- SEAMS Regional Conference on
Mathematical Analysis and Statistics, Yogyakarta, 10. - 13.
7. 1995
- BMT Jahrestagung 1995,
21. - 23. 9. 1995
- 6.
Mathematikertreffen, Leoben, 25. - 28. 9. 1995
- 9th
Conference of the European
Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Lyngby (Copenhagen),
25. - 29. 6. 1996
- 3rd European
Conference on Mathematics
Applied to Biology and Medicine, Heidelberg, 6. - 10. 10. 1996
Meetings at the Mathematical Research Institut
Oberwolfach (Germany): - Regelungstheorie,
16. 8. - 22. 8. 1969.
- Gewöhnliche
mit Anwendungen, 3. 5. - 9. 5. 1970.
- Regelungstheorie,
18. 10. - 24. 10. 1970.
- Gewöhnliche
19. 3. - 25. 3. 1972.
- Regelungstheorie, 26. 3. -
1. 4. 1972.
- Gewöhnliche
17. 3. - 23. 3. 1974.
- Regelungstheorie, 24. 3. -
29. 3. 1974.
- Regelungstheorie, 14. 3. - 20. 3.
- Regelungstheorie, 5. 3. - 11. 3. 1978.
- Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen,
1. 4. - 7. 4. 1979.
- Regelungstheorie, 9. 3. - 15.
3. 1980.
- Optimierung und optimale Steuerung, 16.
3. -
22. 3. 1980.
- Gewöhnliche
22. 3. - 28. 3. 1981.
- Regelungstheorie, 4. 3. -
10. 3. 1984.
- Gewöhnliche
24. 3. - 30. 3. 1985.
- Regelungstheorie, 2. 3. -
8. 3. 1986.
- Gewöhnliche
22. 3. - 28. 3. 1987.
- One-parameter semigroups
and differential
equations, 24. 1. - 30. 1. 1988.
- Gewöhnliche
26. 3. - 1. 4. 1989.
- Gewöhnliche
14. 3. - 20. 3. 1993.
- Regelungstheorie, 21. 3. -
25. 3. 1994.
Courses: - Short Course on Functional
Differential Equations, Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria,
Florence, University of Trento, Italy, April 9 -13, 1979.
- ECMI-Kurs
C1 (Analytical Methods for
Ordinary Differential Equations), 5. 10. - 7. 10. and 24. 10.
- 25. 10. 1988, University of Linz
- Analytical
Methods for Differential
Equations, 18. 9. - 29. 9. and 9. 10. - 13. 10. 1989, SASIAM,
Technopolis, Valenzano/Bari
- Distinguished
Lecture Series Spring
1991, Center for Engineering Mathematics, University of Texas
at Dallas, 7. 2. and 8. 2. 1991
- Analytical
Methods for Differential
Equations, 15. 4. - 26. 4. 1991, SASIAM, Technopolis,
- Summer School on Delay
Equations, 7. - 15. 6. 1995, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh
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