- Start:
- 7.3.2016
- End:
- 6.7.2019
- Project leader:
- Alfred Geroldinger
- FWF project number:
- P 28864-N35
- E-Mail:
- alfred.geroldinger@uni-graz.at
- Phone:
- +43 (0)316 380 - 5154
- Office:
- Heinrichstraße 36, Room 526 (4th floor)
- Homepage:
- https://imsc.uni-graz.at/geroldinger
- E-Mail:
- qinghai.zhong@uni-graz.at
- Phone:
- +43 (0)316 380 - 5155
- Office:
- Heinrichstraße 36, Room 528 (4th floor)
- Homepage:
- https://imsc.uni-graz.at/zhong
All participants are located at the
University of Graz
Heinrichstraße 36
8010 Graz
Project summary
Let $H$ be a Krull monoid with finite class group $G$ such that each class contains a prime divisor (this setting includes holomorphy rings in global fields). Then every nonunit $a \in H$ can be written as a finite product of atoms (irreducible elements). If $a = u_1 \cdot \ldots \cdot u_k$ with atoms $u_1, \ldots, u_k \in H$, then $k$ is called the length of the factorization. The set $\mathsf L (a)$ of all possible factorization lengths $k$ is called the set of lengths of $a$, and this is a finite set of positive integers. We consider the system $\mathcal L (H) = \{ \mathsf L (a) \mid a \in H\}$ of sets of lengths of $H$ (for convenience, we set $\mathsf L (a) = \{0\}$ if $a$ is a unit in $H$). The Krull monoid $H$ is factorial if and only if the class group $G$ is trivial. Furthermore, $H$ is half-factorial (i.e., $|L|=1$ for all $L \in \mathcal L (H)$) if and only if $|G| \le 2$. If $|G| \ge 3$, then for every $N \in \mathbb N$ there is a set $L \in \mathcal L (H)$ such that $|L| \ge N$.
The system $\mathcal L (H)$ depends only on the class group $G$. To make this precise, consider the set $\mathcal B (G)$ of zero-sum sequences over $G$. By a sequence over $G$, we mean a finite sequence of terms from $G$ where repetition is allowed and the order is disregarded, and we say that $S$ is a zero-sum sequence if its terms sum up to zero. Defining an operation as the concatenation of sequences we obtain a monoid structure on $\mathcal B (G)$. Indeed, $\mathcal B (G)$ is a Krull monoid with class group isomorphic to $G$ (provided that $|G| \ge 3$) and every class contains a prime divisor. Moreover, the systems of sets of lengths of $H$ and that of $\mathcal B (G)$ coincide. Thus $\mathcal L (H) = \mathcal L \big( \mathcal B (G) \big)$ can be studied with methods from Zero-Sum Theory, a flourishing subfield of Additive Combinatorics.
The Structure Theorem for Sets of Lengths states that every $L \in \mathcal L (G)$ is an almost arithmetical multiprogression with universal bounds for all parameters controlling these multiprogressions. It is a main goal of the present project to study the involved parameters (such as the possible differences of the multiprogressions) in terms of classical zero-sum invariants (such as the Davenport constant of $G$) or even in terms of the group invariants. All work on these parameters will be done with a view towards the Characterization Problem, a main open question in this area. Indeed, let $G$ and $G'$ be two finite abelian groups with $|G|\ge 4$ and $|G'|\ge 4$ and suppose that $\mathcal L \big( \mathcal B (G) \big) = \mathcal L \big( \mathcal B (G') \big)$. Does it follow that $G$ and $G'$ are isomorphic? The answer is affirmative, among others, if $G$ or $G'$ has rank at most two (see [A. Geroldinger and W. Schmid, A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths, J. Korean Math. Society, 56 (2019), 869 -- 915]). However, the Characterization Problem is far open in general, and it will be in the focus of the the present project.
Sets of lengths.
Amer. Math. Monthly, 123 (2016), 960-988. -
Systems of Sets of Lengths: Transfer Krull Monoids versus Weakly Krull Monoids.
In Rings, Polynomials, and Modules, 191-235. Springer, 2017. -
Long sets of lengths with maximal elasticity.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 70(2018),1284-1318.
Sets of minimal distances and characterizations of class groups of Krull monoids.
The Ramanujan Journal, 45 (2018), 719-737.-
Sets of lengths in atomic unit-cancellative finitely presented monoids.
Colloquium Math., 151 (2018), 171-187.
A characterization of finite abelian groups via sets of lengths in transfer Krull monoids.
Communications in Algebra, 46 (2018), 4021-4041.-
A realization theorem for sets of lengths in numerical monoids.
Forum Math., 30 (2018), 1111-1118. -
Which sets are sets of lengths in all numerical monoids.
Banach Center Publications, 118 (2019), 181-192. -
Sets of arithmetical invariants in transfer Krull monoids.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 223 (2019), 3889-3918. -
On elasticities of locally finitely generated monoids.
J. Algebra, 534 (2019), 145-167. -
On strongly primary monoids and domains.
Communications in Algebra, 48 (2020), 4085-4099. -
A characterization of seminormal C-monoids.
Boll. Unione Ital. Mat., 12 (2019), 583-597. -
On the arithmetic of Mori monoids and domains.
Glasg. Math. J., 62 (2020), 313-322. -
A characterization of Krull monoids for which sets of lengths are (almost) arithmetical progressions.
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 37 (2020), 293-316. -
On minimal product-one sequences of maximal length over Dihedral and Dicyclic groups.
Commun. Korean Math. Soc., 35 (2020), 83-116. -
Clean group rings over localizations of rings of integers.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224 (2020), 106284. -
On monoids of ideals of orders in quadratic number fields.
In Rings and Factorizations, Springer, 2020, 11-54. -
On Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv inverse theorems for Dihedral and Dicyclic groups.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 238 (2020), 715-743. -
Factorization theory in commutative monoids.
Semigroup Forum, 100 (2020), 22-51.