Welcome to the website of Salvatore ‘Salvo’ Tringali
I'm an associate professor of mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Hebei Normal University (HebNU), where I've been since Feb 2019. This term (FW 2019‒20), I'm teaching ‘Introduction to Number Theory’ (BS degree in mathematics), ‘Combinatorics’ (MS and PhD degrees in mathematics), and ‘Scientific Writing’ (MS and PhD degrees in mathematics and CS). Last term (SS 2018‒19), I taught ‘Graph theory’ (MS and PhD degrees in mathematics and CS). Next term (SS 2019‒20), I'll teach ‘Number Theory’ (BS degree in mathematics) and ‘Graph theory’ (MS and PhD degrees in mathematics and CS).
I co-organize the Open Seminar, a seminar series primarily addressed to grads and senior undergrads that covers a wide range of topics in pure and applied mathematics. In my not-so-much spare time, I enjoy traveling and hiking, singing karaoke, and playing volleyball and badminton with colleagues and students. Research. I'm mainly interested in
Academic timeline. Before arriving at HebNU, I moved around quite a bit. In some detail, I was
All this comes after an Intra-European Fellowship (from the Marie Curie Actions program) I was awarded in Dec 2010: The grant financed an individual project of 24 months (May 2011‒Apr 2013), carried out at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions ‒ UPMC, Sorbonne Universités under the supervision of Yvon Maday and essentially aimed at a career shift (before moving to France, I had got a PhD in computational electromagnetics at Università Mediterranea under the guidance of Giovanni Angiulli and worked for many years in the same research field). Trivia. I have a younger sister, Margherita, and two wonderful nieces, Anjana (born May 9, 2017) and Yunha (born Feb 23, 2019), who live in Paris. I own a small farm, run by my parents, Angelo and Vittoria, in the countryside of my hometown, in the far south of Italy. And I've been reading ‘Il nome della rosa’ at least once a year since I was 15. |

Last update: Dec 12, 2019