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{: .switcher}
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Curriculum Vitæ
* Born on June 30, 1987 in Chambéry, France
# Research interests
Non linear diffusion equations (fast diffusion equation), long time behaviour of parabolic equations and systems (Keller-Segel model for chemotaxis), functional inequalities, numerical analysis
# Education and research
|2014-2015|**Postdoc**, LMB - Université de Franche-Comté,
*Multiscale finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes equation*. With {{authors['al'].fullname}} |
|2010–2014|**PhD in applied mathematics**, Ceremade - Université Paris Dauphine,
*Asymptotic study of non linear diffusion type PDEs and related functional inequalities*. Supervisor : Jean Dolbeault
Defended on June 23, 2014. Defense committee: {{authors['db'].fullname}}\*, {{authors['ff'].fullname}}\*, {{authors['ml'].fullname}}\*, {{authors['fb'].fullname}}, {{authors['ng'].fullname}}, {{authors['es'].fullname}}, {{authors['jd'].fullname}}|
|2010|**Master's thesis**, Imperial College, Londres,
*Large coherent structures in shear layer flows*. Supervisor : X. Wu|
|2009-2010|**Erasmus exchange**, Imperial College, Londres|
|Été 2009|**Research project**, LJK, Grenoble,
*Numerical study of a eletrical impedance tomography model with acoustic perturbations*. Supervisor : {{authors['eb'].fullname}}|
|2007-2010|**Master's degree**, Ensimag, Grenoble|
# Publications
{% for pub in site.data.submitted %}{% include publi_row.html pub=pub authors=authors %}{% endfor %}
# Communications et visits
|September 2014|PDEs seminar at LMB|
|July 2014|"Entropy Methods, PDEs, Functional Inequalities, and Applications" week, Banff, Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities|
|January 2014|PhD students workgroup, Ceremade, Inégalités de Sobolev et Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev|
|July 2013|Guest visitor in DIM - Universidad de Chile, Santiago|
|May 2013| SMAI congress, Seignosse, Stationary solutions for two crowd motion models: multiplicity and dynamic stability|
|September 2012| Applied PDEs in Life Sciences, Barcelona, poster|
# Teaching
|2010-2014| Université Paris Dauphine, Paris. Over 250 hours in linear algebra, calculus, numerical optimisation in 2nd and 3rd year.
# Languages
* French : Mother tongue
* English : Fluent
* Spanish : Intermediate