--- layout: default math: false lang: en --- [FR](/divers)\|EN {: .switcher} {% include nav_en.html %} # Miscellaneous ## u:access at the University of Vienna People with an account at the university of Vienna can use u:access to download papers from certain subscription only scientific journals. This can be done by looking for a given paper via u:find, or by directly using the u:access proxy. This is easily done by modifying the URL of the page of the paper: replace `.` by `-` in the domain part, and append `.uaccess.univie.ac.at`, still to the domain part. For example greedy.journal.com/paper-123.456 becomes greedy-journal-com.uaccess.univie.ac.at/paper-123.456 Once connected, you are redirected to the same page, but this time your are "logged in". If the university has a subscription for this journal, you can download the paper. This is relatively easy but a bit tedious, so one can use this <a href='javascript:(function(){var u = String(window.location); var parts = u.split("/"); parts[2] = parts[2].replace(/\./g, "-") + ".uaccess.univie.ac.at"; window.location = parts.join("/");})()'>u:access</a> bookmarklet. Just drag it to your bookmarks bar and click on it when you are on the paper's page. The redirection should happen automatically. Without u:access, one can still try the [unpaywall](https://unpaywall.org/) database and its Firefox extension. ## The web page For those who are interested, this page is built with [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/). The code is [online](https://gitea.oknaj.eu/gjankowiak/homepage) and is available via git. ## Introduction to Jekyll I gave small introduction to Jekyll at the University of Vienna, slides are [available](/files/slides/2018/jekyll.pdf). ## Make Terrence Tao's blog more readable Currently (early 2014), Terrence Tao's blog use smallish fonts, and rasterized .pngs for math display. I also find it a bit cluttered and making more difficult to read than it should be. To remedy that, I've written a [small bit](https://gist.github.com/gjankowiak/9692034) of CSS to use with [Stylish](https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/stylish/), along with [some Javascript](https://gist.github.com/gjankowiak/9692040) that will turn the LaTeX images into nice, selectable formulæ using [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/). You will need [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) or similar to use it. Here what it looks like (right), compared to the original (left): ![before after](/images/misc/tao-before-after.jpg){: .centered_img}