module OptimMixture import GLMakie as GLM import DelimitedFiles as DF import BenchmarkTools as BT import UnicodePlots as UP import NLopt import LinearAlgebra: norm, mul!, axpy!, axpby! import Logging Logging.global_logger(Logging.ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Info)) const ENERGIES = [2803, 2811, 2819, 2826, 2834, 2842, 2850, 2858, 2866, 2874, 2882, 2890, 2897, 2905, 2913, 2921, 2929, 2937, 2945, 2953, 2961, 2969, 2977, 2985, 2993, 3001, 3009, 3018, 3026, 3034, 3042, 3050] @kwdef struct Slab{T<:Real} energy::Int data::Matrix{T} end function load_slabs(; T::Type=Int, width::Int=512, height::Int=512) slabs = Slab[] i_min, i_max = typemax(Int), 0 for e in ENERGIES slab::Slab{T} = Slab{T}(energy=e, data=DF.readdlm("test_sample/HeLa_F-SRS_512x512_$(e)cm-1.txt", ',', T)) push!(slabs, slab) i_min, i_max = min(i_min, minimum(, max(i_max, maximum( end s = join(size(slabs[1].data), "x") @info "Loaded $(length(slabs)) $s slabs" return slabs, i_min, i_max end function E_loop(X::Matrix{Float64}, Y::Matrix{Float64}) s = 0 N, M = size(Y) m = size(X, 2) for i in 1:N for j in N+1:N+M x = 0 for k in 1:m @inbounds x += X[i, k] * X[j, k] end @inbounds s += (x - Y[i, j-N])^2 end end return s end function E!(X::Matrix{Float64}, Y::Matrix{Float64}, tmp::Matrix{Float64}) N, M = size(Y) Q!(tmp, X, N) # roughly 6ms with N = 512*512, M = 32, m = 2 # slighly faster than tmp .= tmp .- Y (7ms) # slighly faster than tmp .-= Y (7ms) axpy!(-1.0, Y, tmp) # roughly 2.5m # slightly faster than norm2(tmp) s = sum(x -> x^2, tmp) return s end function test_E(N::Int, M::Int, m::Int; benchmark::Bool=true) X = rand(N + M, m) Y = rand(N, M) tmp = zeros(N, M) E_from_loop = E_loop(X, Y) E_from_mul = E!(X, Y, tmp) @show abs(E_from_mul - E_from_loop) if benchmark @info "Running benchmarks..., this may take a while" show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark E_loop($X, $Y)) println() show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark E!($X, $Y, $tmp)) end end function Q!(dst::Matrix{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}, N::Int) N_plus_M, _ = size(X) # roughly 9ms with N = 512*512, M = 32, m = 2 # could be sped up using StrideArray? mul!(dst, view(X, 1:N, :), view(X, N+1:N_plus_M, :)') end function Q_loop!(dst::Matrix{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}, N::Int) N_plus_M, m = size(X) # roughly 23.5ms with N = 512*512, M = 32, m = 2 for i in 1:N for j in N+1:N_plus_M x = 0 for k in 1:m @inbounds x += X[i, k] * X[j, k] end @inbounds dst[i, j-N] = x end end end function test_Q(N::Int, M::Int, m::Int; benchmark::Bool=true) X = rand(N + M, m) Q_from_loop = zeros(N, M) Q_from_mul = zeros(N, M) Q!(Q_from_mul, X, N) Q_loop!(Q_from_loop, X, N) @show norm(Q_from_mul - Q_from_loop) if benchmark @info "Running benchmarks..., this may take a while" show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark Q!($Q_from_mul, $X, $N)) println() show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark Q_loop!($Q_from_loop, $X, $N)) end end function DE_loop!(dst::Matrix{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}, Y::Matrix{Float64}) dst_W = zeros(size(Y)) DE_loop!!(dst, dst_W, X, Y) end function DE!!(dst::Matrix{Float64}, dst_W::Matrix{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}, Y::Matrix{Float64}) N_plus_M, m = size(X) N, M = size(Y) # dst is the same size as X # we need storage of size Y Q!(dst_W, X, N) # compute W = 2(Q(X) - Y) axpby!(-2.0, Y, 2.0, dst_W) mul!(view(dst, 1:N, :), dst_W, view(X, N+1:N_plus_M, :)) mul!(view(dst, N+1:N_plus_M, :), dst_W', view(X, 1:N, :)) end function DE_loop!!(dst::Matrix{Float64}, dst_W::Matrix{Float64}, X::Matrix{Float64}, Y::Matrix{Float64}) _, m = size(X) N, M = size(Y) # dst is the same size as X # we need storage of size Y Q_loop!(dst_W, X, N) # compute W = Q(X) - Y dst_W .-= Y for k in 1:m for i in 1:N x = 0 for j in 1:M @inbounds x += dst_W[i, j] * X[N+j, k] end @inbounds dst[i, k] = x end for j in 1:M x = 0 for i in 1:N @inbounds x += dst_W[i, j] * X[i, k] end @inbounds dst[N+j, k] = x end end dst .*= 2 end function check_derivative_E(N::Int, M::Int, m::Int; loop::Bool=false) X = rand(N + M, m) Y = rand(N, M) V = rand(N + M, m) .- 0.5 EX = E_loop(X, Y) grad_EX = zeros(size(X)) tmp = zeros(size(Y)) if loop DE_loop!!(grad_EX, tmp, X, Y) else DE!!(grad_EX, tmp, X, Y) end eps = [10.0^k for k in 1:-1:-12] errors = zeros(size(eps)) for i in eachindex(eps) if loop EX_V_true = E_loop(X + eps[i] * V, Y) else EX_V_true = E!(X + eps[i] * V, Y, tmp) end EX_V_approx = EX + eps[i] * sum(grad_EX .* V) # @show EX_V_true # @show EX_V_approx errors[i] = abs(EX_V_true - EX_V_approx) end # @show eps # @show errors foo = UP.lineplot(eps, errors, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10) UP.lineplot!(foo, eps, eps) println(foo) end function test_DE(N::Int, M::Int, m::Int; benchmark::Bool=true) X = rand(N + M, m) Y = rand(N, M) tmp_W = zeros(N, M) ∇E_loop = zeros(N + M, m) ∇E = zeros(N + M, m) DE_loop!!(∇E_loop, tmp_W, X, Y) DE!!(∇E, tmp_W, X, Y) @show norm(∇E_loop - ∇E) if benchmark @info "Running benchmarks..., this may take a while" show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark DE_loop!!($∇E_loop, $tmp_W, $X, $Y)) println() show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark DE!!($∇E, $tmp_W, $X, $Y)) end end function benchmark() slabs, _, _ = load_slabs(T=Float64) Y::Matrix{Float64} = hcat([vec( for slab in slabs]...) @show size(Y) N::Int, M::Int = size(Y) m::Int = 2 X::Vector{Float64} = fill(0.5, (N + M) * m) ∇E::Vector{Float64} = zeros((N + M) * m) tmp = zeros(size(Y)) show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark DE_loop!!(reshape($∇E, $N + $M, $m), $tmp, reshape($X, $N + $M, $m), reshape($Y, $N, $M))) println() show(stdout, "text/plain", BT.@benchmark E_loop(reshape($X, $N + $M, $m), reshape($Y, $N, $M))) end function plot_result_mixture_1(X::Vector{Float64}, N::Int, M::Int, m::Int) X_ = reshape(X, N + M, m) λ = view(X_, 1:N, :) s = view(X_, N+1:N+M, :) @show size(λ) @show size(s) fig = GLM.Figure() axes = map(1:m+1) do i aspect = if i < m + 1 GLM.DataAspect() else nothing end GLM.Axis(fig[1, i], aspect=aspect) end n = Int(sqrt(N)) # Component density GLM.image!(axes[1], reshape(view(λ, :, 1), n, n)) GLM.image!(axes[2], reshape(view(λ, :, 2), n, n)) # Spectra GLM.lines!(axes[3], s[:, 1]) GLM.lines!(axes[3], s[:, 2]) @show norm(λ[:, 1] - λ[:, 2]) @show norm(s[:, 1] - s[:, 2]) display(fig) end function optim(algo::Symbol=:LD_MMA) slabs, _, _ = load_slabs(T=Float64) Y::Matrix{Float64} = hcat([vec( for slab in slabs]...) @show size(Y) N::Int, M::Int = size(Y) m::Int = 2 # Initial choice of X # it seems that: # * ∇E(0) = 0 # X::Vector{Float64} = zeros((N + M) * m) # * choosing X = 0.5 and BFGS yields a relatively quick convergence to two identical components # X::Vector{Float64} = fill(0.5, (N + M) * m) X::Vector{Float64} = 0.5 .+ 0.1 * rand((N + M) * m) ∇E::Vector{Float64} = zeros((N + M) * m) tmp = zeros(size(Y)) function objective(X::Vector{Float64}, grad::Vector{Float64}) if length(grad) > 0 DE!!(reshape(grad, N + M, m), tmp, reshape(X, N + M, m), reshape(Y, N, M)) else @debug "No gradient requested!" end # @show "|∇E| = $(norm(grad))" max_Σ_λ = maximum(sum(view(reshape(X, N + M, m), 1:N, :); dims=2)) value = E!(reshape(X, N + M, m), reshape(Y, N, M), tmp) @info "E = $value, |∇E| = $(norm(grad)), max_Σ_λ = $max_Σ_λ" return value end opt = NLopt.Opt(algo, (N + M) * m) NLopt.lower_bounds!(opt, fill(0.0, (N + M) * m)) NLopt.upper_bounds!(opt, vec([fill(1.0, N, m); fill(Inf, M, m)])) NLopt.min_objective!(opt, objective) res = NLopt.optimize(opt, X) @show opt return res, opt end end # module # possible algorithms from NLopt # LD_LBFGS_NOCEDAL # LD_LBFGS # LD_VAR1 # LD_VAR2 # LD_TNEWTON # LD_TNEWTON_RESTART # LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND # LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART # LD_MMA # LD_AUGLAG # LD_AUGLAG_EQ # LD_SLSQP # LD_CCSAQ res, opt = OptimMixture.optim(:LD_LBFGS); # res, opt = OptimMixture.optim(:LD_TNEWTON) OptimMixture.plot_result_mixture_1(res[2], 512 * 512, 32, 2) # OptimMixture.benchmark(); # OptimMixture.test_E(512 * 512, 32, 2) # OptimMixture.test_DE(512 * 512, 32, 2) # OptimMixture.test_Q(512 * 512, 32, 2) # OptimMixture.check_derivative_E(512 * 512, 32, 2) # OptimMixture.check_derivative_E(512 * 512, 32, 2; loop=true) # vim: ts=2:sw=2:sts=2