Isometry Classes of Indecomposable Linear Codes Publications, to be read Zyklenzeiger linearer Gruppen und Abzählung linearer Codes Cycle indices of linear, affine and projective groups

Cycle indices of linear, affine and projective groups

Linear Algebra and Its Applications 263, 133 - 156, 1997.

Abstract: The Pólya cycle indices for the natural actions of the general linear groups and affine groups (on a vector space) and for the projective linear groups (on a projective space) over a finite field are computed. Finally it is demonstrated, how to enumerate isometry classes of linear codes by using these cycle indices.

harald.fripertinger "at", October 3, 2024

Isometry Classes of Indecomposable Linear Codes Publications, to be read Zyklenzeiger linearer Gruppen und Abzählung linearer Codes Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR Cycle indices of linear, affine and projective groups Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!