The Cycle Index of the Symmetry Group of the Fullerene C60 Publications, to be read Enumeration, construction and random generation of block codes The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron

The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron

Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 37, No. 3, 535-537, 1997.

Abstract: Relations between the 3-dimensional cycle index of the point group of a trivalent polyhedron or of a deltahedron on the one hand and of its leapfrog on the other hand are described.

harald.fripertinger "at", October 3, 2024

The Cycle Index of the Symmetry Group of the Fullerene C60 Publications, to be read Enumeration, construction and random generation of block codes Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!