Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9.00-10-00 |
P1 |
G1 |
P2 |
G2 |
G3 |
10.00-11.00 |
J1 |
J2 |
J3 |
P3 |
Kraft (slides) |
11.30-11.50 |
Ehrig (slides) |
Dufresne (slides) |
Yacobi (slides) |
McNinch (11.30-12.30, slides) |
11.55-12.15 |
Zhgoon |
Williamson (slides) |
Gherstega (slides) |
12.30 |
lunch |
lunch |
lunch |
lunch |
lunch |
14.00-15.00 |
Fauquant-Millet (slides) |
Duflo |
Kostant |
Kleshchev |
15.15-16.15 |
Serre |
Serre |
Excursion |
Donkin |
16.45-17.45 |
Littelmann (slides) |
Vilonen |
Wallach (slides) |
Conference |
dinner |
V. Ginzburg Quivers in Representation theory and
Geometry, G1, G2, G3
A. Joseph Slices for biparabolic adjoint actions, J1, J2, J3
A. Premet Generalised Gelfand-Graev modules and
finite W-algebras, P1, P2, P3
Stephen Donkin Representations of Brauer algebras
and symplectic Schur algebras
Michel Duflo A functorial point of view on Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
Florence Fauquant-Millet Semi-centre of parabolic subalgebras
Sasha Kleshchev Graded representation theory of symmetric groups and related
Hecke algebras
Bertram Kostant Root systems for Levi factors
Hanspeter Kraft The linearization problem: old and new
Peter Littelmann Superbosonization of invariant random matrix ensembles
George McNinch Nilpotent orbits of a reductive group over a local field
Jean-Pierre Serre A few questions on group representations, two lectures
Kari Vilonen Real groups, Hodge theory, and Langlands duality.
Nolan Wallach A tale of four simple groups over the reals.
List of
short talks
The list of short talks is available her: short-talks
Stephen Donkin Representations of Brauer algebras
and symplectic Schur algebras
The work is joint with Rudolf Tange. The usual
connection between representations of general linear groups and symmetric
groups is adapted and exploited in the context of symplectic groups (in
characteristic p) and Brauer algebras (in characteristic 0)
Duflo A functorial point of view on Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
L be a Lie algebra (or a Lie super-algebra) over a commutative ring R. The PBW
theorems provide, under suitable hypotheses, isomorphisms of coalgebras between
the symmetric algebra and the enveloping algebra of L. In this lecture, I
consider some functorial aspects,
and some explicit formulas, for these isomorphisms.
Florence Fauquant-Millet Semi-centre of parabolic
is joint work with Anthony Joseph. Let g be a complex semisimple Lie algebra and p a parabolic
subalgebra of g. We will consider the semicentre of the symmetric algebra of p
(vector space generated by semi-invariants) and show, when g is a product of
simple Lie algebras of type A or C , that this semicentre is a polynomial
algebra of which the number of generators, their weight and degree will be
described. Unfortunately, a more precise description of each semi-invariant is
not yet available, except in particular cases.
Hanspeter Kraft The linearization problem: old and
The linearization problem asks if an action of a
reductive algebraic group on complex affine $n$-space is equivalent to a linear
representation. The first counterexamples were given by G. W. Schwarz in 1989;
they initiated a very interesting development. We will recall some highlights
and describe some recent developments, in particular in the study of families
of group actions. As an application we have recently shown that every faithful
action on affine $3$-space of a non-finite reductive group is linearizable.
Nolan Wallach A tale of four simple groups over the reals
consider the four real rank 4 exceptional quaternionic Lie groups. These groups
naturally correspond to the four (skew) fields over the reals (the reals,
complexes, quaternions and octonians). In this talk we examine a uniform family
of subgroups of these groups and related theorems in representation theory and
geometry forming a triptych to much of the speaker's research.
Last update: August 2009