General orbits of tone rows
Instead of D12 × D12 we study the action of
other groups on the set of all tone rows. Among these there are the
following five groups which contain D12 × D12
as a proper subgroup.
- Aff 1(Z12) × D12 which
contains the quart-circle Q.
- D12 × Aff 1(Z12) which
contains the 5-step F.
- Aff1(Z12) ×
Aff1(Z12) which contains the 5-step F
and the quart-circle Q.
- 𝔄12 which contains the 5-step F, the
quart-circle Q, and the exchange of parameters P.
- 𝔇12 which contains the exchange of
parameters P.
Furthermore also the following group actions on R can be
- C12 × 〈R〉 which is generated by (T,1) and
- D12 × 〈R〉 which is generated by (T,1),
(I,1), and (1,R). These orbits correspond to Schönberg's notion of
equivalent tone rows.
- C12 × C12 which is generated by (T,1) and
- 〈I〉 × 〈1〉 which is generated by (I,1).
- 〈Q〉 × 〈1〉 which is generated by (Q,1).
- 〈1〉 × 〈R〉 which is generated by (1,R).
- 〈1〉 × 〈F〉 which is generated by (1,F).
- C12 × 〈1〉 which is generated by
- D12 × 〈1〉 which is generated by (T,1) and
- Aff1(Z12) × 〈1〉 which is
generated by (T,1), (I,1) and (Q,1).
- 〈1〉 × C12 which is generated by
- 〈1〉 × D12 which is generated by (1,S) and
- 〈1〉 × Aff1(Z12) which is
generated by (1,S), (1,R) and (1,F).
- 〈P〉
It is possible to compute the orbit, the normal form or the stabilizer of a prescribed tone row
which must be input in numeric form. For more details
see Sections 3.1-3.3 of [1].
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Database on tone rows and tropes
harald.fripertinger "at"
January 2, 2019