methods play an increasingly important role in Computational Science,
Engineering, and Finance.
Typical targets are derivative-based large-scale parameter sensitivity
analysis, numerical model calibration, nonlinear optimization, and
uncertainty quantification. Classical numerical differentiation by
finite differences often turns out to be infeasible due to prohibitive
run time and/or inaccuracy of the approximated derivatives.
Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) enables their computation with
machine accuracy for a given implementation of the underlying (primal)
numerical simulation as a computer program.
(gradients, Jacobians) of the simulated quantities with respect to a
potentially very large number N of free model parameters can be
computed with a computational cost which is independent of N in
adjoint mode AD.
However, the memory requirement of an adjoint code is known to scale
with the number of floating-point operations performed by the primal
code which makes a naïve application of adjoint mode AD
infeasible in most real-world
is based on the knowledge of partial derivatives (local Jacobians) of
the building blocks of a numerical simulation code (e.g, the
built-in functions of the programming language, numerical methods, such
as linear and nonlinear solvers, or black-box library routines) and the
chain rule of differential calculus. The latter turns out to be
associative implying an exponential number of different orders of the
underlying chained local Jacobian matrix products. This fact is
exploited by checkpointing methods to limit the memory requirement of
adjoint code, by methods for differentiating implicit functions, or in
smoothing techniques for locally non-differentiable primal code. In this
talk we are going to discuss the concept of "gaps in the chain rule" and
its implementation in our AD software tool dco (derivative code by
overloading). Relevance and feasibility of the proposed approach have
been illustrated successfully in the context of numerous real-world
applications to be commented on.