Construction of finite structures Research projects/Forschungsprojekte Functional equations and iteration theory Combinatorial constructions under group actions

Combinatorial constructions under group actions

Combinatorial constructions under group actions is a scientific project supported by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. It has the project number P12642 - MAT. H. Fripertinger works in this project under the supervision of Prof. J. Schwaiger of the Institut für Mathematik at the university of Graz. Most of the scientific work is done in cooperation with Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik of the university of Bayreuth. We are mainly dealing with isometry classes of linear codes over GF(q), which in the cases q=2,3 coincide with ismorphism classes of matrix matroids, and with combinatorial species.

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harald.fripertinger "at", May 6, 2024

Construction of finite structures Research projects/Forschungsprojekte Functional equations and iteration theory Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR Combinatorial constructions under group actions Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!