Intro to Matlab ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOS COMMANDS: !del= delete !cp = copy MATLAB DIRECTORY COMMANDS ls = list clear = clear all variables cd = change directories who = list variables who gives the internal variable names (may be different from loaded file names) size(variable) = vector or array size load filename = loads a matlab compatible file ending in filename.mat load filename -ascii = loads a matlab compatible file ascii file a=load('filename') = this command loads ascii file into variable a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clear » load respm1 » who Your variables are: resp » size (resp) ans = 4 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- figure subplot(2,1,1) plot(resp(1,:),resp(2,:),'r',resp(1,:),resp(3,:),'g',resp(1,:),resp(4,:),'b') legend('Pao','Q','V') subplot(2,1,2) plot(resp2(1,:),resp2(2,:),'r',resp2(1,:),resp2(3,:),'g',resp2(1,:),resp2(4,:),'b') legend('Pao','Q','V')