Jerry Batzel PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing

University of Graz Austria

Welcome to my Homepage!

Phone:		(00) 43-316-380-5173
Address:	Heinrichstraße 36,   A-8010 Graz (Austria) 
Fax:      	(00) 43-316-380-9815

Research and Academic Activity
Research Interests
Selected Publications from the past
Current Courses

Current and Recent Workshops Organized
International Space University: Workshop on Modeling in Life Sciences July 29, 2011, Graz Austria
Tempus Program Workshop Fall 2009
Istanbul Conference on Mathematical Methods and Modeling in Life Sciences and Biomedicine August 17 -21 2009
Marie Curie Training Program on Mathematical Modeling of Human Physiological Systems with Biomedical Applications 2007-2010
International Biomedical Modeling School and Workshop Feb 27-March 2, 2008, Bangalore India
Biomedical Modeling and Cardiovascular-Respiratory Control: Theory and Practice July 22 to August 1, 2007, Graz Austria
Sarajevo Summer School on Mathematical Techniques Modeling Physiological Systems 2006
Summer School on Control Theory with Application to Physiology and Medicine 2005, Graz Austria
Workshop on Cardiovascular Respiratory and Metabolic Control Modeling 2003, Graz Austria
Workshop on Cardiovascular-Respiratory Control Modeling 2001, Graz Austria

Interesting links

(Last updated April 30, 2010
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